My name is Sweetgirl, known as Sweet, and since June 2017 I have been a submissive wife. I read a number of blogs and eventually I decided to create my own. You may be thinking how did I get here, I clicked on sweetgirlsjournal. Well there were some issues with the site and I decided to make a move. You can read more about this by clicking HERE.
Is this a Sex Blog?
Not really. Sure, some of my posts are about sex, and some of them are about kinky sex but I also write about my everyday life and being a submissive wife. I know a lot people think that D/s is all about sex but it is so much more than that. At the core, it is a consensual power exchange. In addition to writing about my relationship with Mr H, I do write about mental health and physical health issues that I have as well as anything else that might come to mind, so really this is better classified as a lifestyle blog. After all, I live in a 24/7 lifestyle D/s dynamic.
How I became a Submissive wife.
As I say, in 2017, Sir and I began our exploration of Dominance and submission. We are a monogamous couple, and made the decision early on that we had no interest in playing with any other persons or couples. It has been an interesting journey so far, and I am excited for the future. As I write this in April of 2020 the UK is in lockdown and many are finding it difficult. I love it. I adore having Sir at home with me.
We have been married and together for a long time, and we have adult children. To make things easier our eldest will be referred to as ‘T’ and our youngest “J”. T has left home and J left last September returning 5 weeks later. I am not working at the moment, due to a number of things, but mostly due to a disability which we are still adjusting to.
What’s your poison?
Sir is not a sadist and I am no masochist, so although we like some impact play, it is not so extreme as to leave bruises or marks. Sir is a rigger (that means he likes to use rope) and I like to be tied up (known as a rope bunny) so we are well matched there too! A lot of what we do is psychological in nature. Sir is in control as the dominant and we have agreed rules that I as the submissive follow. Our sexual relationship is where our dynamic has been most effective going from an emotionally satisfying experience to one of multiple orgasms and renewed passion.
I hope you enjoy. Feel free to follow so you recieve emails when new posts are written.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Sweetgirl x
Found by accident and its the best place I’ve stumbled across. Your pics are amazing. Need a cold shower. So tempted to show the Mrs and hope she’s interested.
You never know….