What does a BSDM relationship look like after 6 years?
Has it really been 6 years? yep it has. It was 2017 when we first…
A New Dom’s Tale
Here we are around 6 months into this journey. I was asked to write this…
Fet-ish – A great night out at Townhouse
Fet-ish is a crossover event held at The Townhouse in Wirral, and last week we…
How to get the best experience of Intimate waxing.
I’ve written before about pubic hair removal before, but given my back pain (and weight…
Life goes on: Death, Impact play and us.
Unless you live under a rock, you will be aware that on Thursday the 8th…
How my negative body image impacts our sex life
I’ve been pretty open about how the weight I have gained has really messed with…
Challenges, love or hate them you can’t escape them
Life is never free of challenges and learning to face them is just part of…
What’s new with A Submissive Wife? HRT, Munches and more.
So, it’s been a while, and I thought it was about time to do an…
BDSM social events and us – a fun evening out.
I haven’t written in a while, I know, and in some ways that’s because I…
Why I love being submissive
I wouldn’t say I really considered myself submissive until recently, rather the opposite, but all…
Why I love listening to music.
Music has always been a part of my life and yet I wouldn’t say I…
Trying Viagra for the first time: A Happy Hardon
I have debated writing this post for a while, not only because it can be…
Random Posts
Captains Prize (part 16)
The Captain opened the door and walked onto the main deck. Burt was tied arms…
Hotel stay – debrief
We have started making time to discuss play, not a massive deal no one has…
Paloqueth wand and lube review
Paloqueth contacted me via my twitter account and asked me if I would be interested…
Tell Me About: Discipline
The Oxford English Dictionary defines discipline as “the practice of training people to obey rules…
Sweetgirl’s List of Inspirational Bloggers 2019
Since I started blogging just over 2 years ago, I have encountered a number of…
Out of it
Things have been a little off lately. I’m so tired, a side effect of the amitriptyline,…