As our journey began Mr H and I discussed many things. What did we want from D/s? Should we have a contract? Could we make it 24/7? What should we call each other? What are our limits? I will post about each of these but today I am reflecting on the latter; what are the limits. We agreed to talk about limits but I had no idea what he might be wanting to explore and so I didn’t know really how to begin. I’d dithered …
Collars and Chains
The decision to wear a collar or not is of course entirely personal. It doesn’t make you any less of a submissive if you don’t wear a solid collar with a padlock so big your neighbour could see it without their binoculars! Your dynamic is private and personal to you – so if your Dom says you’re not a good submissive because you want something discrete or don’t want a collar at all, he is probably not the Dominant you want or are safe with. …