Food for Thought Friday has been hosted thus far by the wonderful Kilted Wookie, but he has decided to step down. While the meme will continue under the watchful guidance of May Moore and Floss, he has set the last topic.
I don’t take part every week, just when the topic or questions evoke a response. This week is one of those weeks..
What, if any, have been your particular landmarks, either in relation to your blog or your wider life? Do you have any future goals/landmarks you want to achieve? What are they?
This made me think…
I mean, sure I have goals… but they are pretty simple. “Get a good nights sleep” for example…. or “get medication sorted so I can have a life.” But they are not necessarily the kind of things KW wanted to inspire us all to share….
I hope very much to go to eroticon next year, and we have booked a hotel so that all being well we are one step closer….
But landmarks???
I have 2 kids and their births are special moments in my life. Becoming a mother changed my outlook on life completely.
Meeting Mr H was definitely one of the pivotal moments of my life. We met at a time when I felt empowered, sexy and good about myself.
He’s stayed with me and kept me afloat when I went through my breakdown, which started with my fathers sudden death. He stayed strong and steady by my side through the years of debilitating pain and despite my neuroses says I’m brilliant.
Starting a D/s Dynamic is another pivotal moment for me. Our relationship got even better, although I didn’t think there was anything missing before D/s, I see now we didn’t have truly effective communication, we didn’t have complete honesty (on my side more than his I think) and our trust has deepened.
I think therefore I can narrow my general life landmarks to 4 main things…
- Motherhood
- Mr H
- Depression
- D/s
As for my blog….. well maybe I don’t look at it the same way other people do…. I never look at the stats. I write for me and if others read it and like it that’s awesome and amazing… if it helps someone that’s fantastic… but it isn’t what motivates me to do it. I do it for me.
So when I hit 100 followers I was amazed and humbled… when I hit 200 I couldn’t believe so many people found it interesting… at 300… well I’m so grateful, honestly…. I am still amazed and humbled that people take the time to read my ramblings!!! I’ve had a quick peek and I’ve 320 WordPress followers and 14 email followers…. so 334 in all…. wow…
Sweetgirl x

click HERE to see more F4TF posts….
Regarding your blog – I think you are right – you can only write what you want to write – sometimes that will work for lots of people sometimes it wont but if you are happy with it then you have done a good job – x
Your blog is very real. I say this in the most complimentary way. People understand this and choose to follow you for that reason. Congratulations on the followers. All the best as you move forward.