On Kinky Fuckery

Home again.

We’re home from a wonderful stay in our favourite hotel, and as always when we pulled off the motorway there was that moment of “back to reality” sadness. We’ve been productive today though, washing the motorbikes, cleaning their chains and lubing them back up. They are both clean and sparking ready for the week ahead. But, my followers I know this is not what you’re interested in. Oh no – you want the juicy details of our debaucherous night…..

We arrived and headed for the room. As you know MrH had already said that we would begin with inspection and so while he unpacked and arranged his toys, I hung the clothes up and began to get undressed. I braided my hair and went to stand in the middle of the bedroom so MrH could put my collar on. I was naked. He instructed me to put my heals on and head into the other room.

MrH had rearranged the furniture. The table that was in front of the patio doors had been moved to one side. A single chair was in the centre of the patio doors. The net curtains closed. He indicated I was to stand in front of the chair facing him.

He took a picture.

“Turn around”

He took another.

He walked to me and began. He ran his hands over every inch of my skin. Up and down.

“Do you remember your safewords?” He asked.

“Yes Sir”

I felt butterflies and excitement in my tummy. Would he find some hair I hadn’t removed? Would there be some stubble I’d failed to shave away? I had cleaned and scrubbed every crevice, covered myself in body butter to be as smooth as possible. MrH said nothing he just continued to stroke every inch of me.

“Bend over”

I flushed, feeling shame and exposed. Shame because I could feel the excitement making my pulse quicken, because I was liking this new feeling, and did as he asked. Unfortunately as I have the balance of a one legged hippopotamus I wobbled. MrH responded quickly steadying me with one hand and reaching for the chair. He turned it so the back was towards me and gratefully I grabbed it so I could bend forward.

He pulled apart my cheeks and I could feel him looking at me. He ran his finger over my lips and clit. Finally he inserted a finger into my pussy. I was wet.

The feelings I had during this were so strange. I felt so owned. He was looking at me so closely and I was painfully aware he was making sure I had done as he had asked, and if he found fault he would be saying so…

“Stand up” he said. I stood, putting my arms back onto my head in inspection. He stood close behind me. Put his arms around me and his mouth next to my ear.

“I am very happy with my inspection,” he said. “There is only 2 ways you will be getting my cum today Sweetgirl, you will swallow it or wear it. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir”

“I also want you to count how many orgasms you have for me.”

As he said this he moved his hand down my body, his fingers found my clit, already swollen, and began to swirl.


He helped me walk to the bed, my knees and legs shaky. He laid me back on the bed, and continued to give my clit some attention this time with his mouth and tongue


He tied my hands and feet to the under bed restraints. He knelt over me and I was able to suck the precum from his cock. He lent over me, his cock deep in my mouth, his mouth on my pussy.


He brought out the mini wand. I was already pretty well gone into the realm of blissful subspace. I wanted nothing more than to have him own me, I wanted whatever part he would give. When his cock was near my mouth, I licked, I sucked, I wanted to give my Sir the pleasure I was getting. The wand sent me into a continuous flowing orgasm, the shudders running through my whole body.


MrH untied me. He placed a pillow on the floor.

“Are you ready for my cum?”

“Yes please Sir”

“The on your knees”

He passed me promises and I opened my mouth for him as I placed the vibrator on my pussy.

He held my hair and thrust himself deep into my mouth. Damn I love it when he does that.

“Are you ready Sweetgirl?”

As he came he moaned in pleasure, a sound so beautiful I followed him.


I swallowed his cum joyfully, the orgasms rippling through me as I could feel his own pulsing.

He helped me up into the bed, and covered me with the sheet. I was trembling and out of it in the most delicious way.

MrH takes after care seriously and made me a hot drink and brought me some biscuits. Then he snuggled me for a while until I came back down.

In all I had 10 orgasms… Click here for part 2 

Sweetgirl x

Sweet Autumn Rose  


Mr H

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  1. David says:

    Love this, lots of juicy details! 😉

  2. What a wonderful time!!

  3. Goodness me! I can’t wait for Part 2!

  4. Thank you it was.

  5. Ooh, nice story, I felt the need to unzip as I read.

    1. LOL

  6. […] We rested for a while watching TV. With two and a half hours to go til our restaurant reservation, MrH decided to take some sexy photos. We had discussed this before we left and there had been a few images that we had decided to try and recreate. (ps if you haven’t read part 1 click here) […]

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