I do so like to have Mr H’s cock in my vagina. Actually for the most part I don’t care where he sticks his cock (if it’s in me) I’m happy! But I know it’s his favourite place to put it. But from a general perspective the vagina is a pretty remarkable bit of engineering. It’s capable of stretching in order to fit a baby through it…. a baby…. my first born child’s head was big. He was 8 lbs 11 oz. He tore out of me in a violent way and I had 5 external stitches and layers of internal ones.
At just turned 18 I was not prepared for the midwife sticking a finger up my arse, (I had no idea what she meant when she said “we need to check your back passage”), because the tear was so severe they were worried I had literally torn myself in two.
I should probably have been stitched up by a surgeon, not a trainee midwife, as I now have been left with such a weak back vaginal wall that it doesn’t hold my bowel in the right place very well. Buts that’s a whole other tale! But as I say, it’s a damn good piece of engineering in that it allows us to eject a fully grown baby and then returns to its normal size.
Of course the sexual function of the vagina is equally amazing. It lubricates itself as required. It houses the female g-spot and with the appropriate stimulation, is part of the body that responds during an orgasm.
What’s not to love about the vagina??
Sweetgirl x
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Agree 100%!