Sunday mornings are our lazy mornings. We don’t have any alarms to wake us up. We don’t have anywhere to be. I love Sundays for this reason. We get to snuggle.
There’s a line I love from the Twighlight Breaking dawn movie. It wasn’t in the books, but in this case I don’t mind the addition. “It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are.” Edward Cullen wedding speech from Twilight Breaking Dawn pt1 – the movie.
It sums up perfectly how I feel about MrH.
Now granted Snuggles any day are lovely. When MrH wraps his arm around me I feel safe, protected, precious and loved. His embrace is my happy place.
Lovely picture 🙂 Snuggles are the best!
Oh there’s nothing better than these relaxing snuggles. Lovely image!
Rebel xox
Snuggles are the best, lovely image sweet x
Slow mornings and snuggles are the best
So cute!!!
Snuggle days are simply the Best !!
Happy for you both!
[…] I remember coming round some time later, wrapped in the sheet and snuggled at his side. […]