musings cuddle

Sunday Musings

Another week is over. I’m snuggled on the sofa with Mr H while he watches football, and I feel safe and loved. My mind drifts organically as I lay here musing on the week and of course on Mr H and our relationship. Musings. This morning I mentioned to MrH that I had wondered if he had ever considered having me wear the but plug during the day on weekends or after work. He replied that he had thought many things over the last 5 …

For Furcissy – Questions Answered..

So the wonderful Furcissy nominated me as part of his Liebster Award Nomination for which I am very grateful and flattered. I don’t actually know anything about it and so rather than ‘accept’ I am going to answer the questions that he set, but no more (also I have no idea how to do some of the instructions so I couldn’t anyway!) Question One. If you were a cartoon character, who would you be? Well, this is an odd one for me. I don’t really …

I am yours – A Lesson.

* #Submissive Fiction * #Erotica * #Flash Fiction * As usual Mr H is home before me. I can see the light in the living room has been turned on and a shadow moving inside. I pull the car onto the driveway and turn off the engine. My heart is already racing. I check the handbrake is on, undo my seatbelt, and, grabbing my bag from the passenger seat I get out of the car. The front door is still locked, so I retrieve my …