Chronic pain

Chronic Pain update

If you are a regular follower you will know I suffer from chronic back pain and that this has become a life affecting condition.  I am unable to so so many things that a healthy person takes for granted and that includes riding Mr H cock!  One of the things I sometimes enjoy is knowing that I have brought him to climax as I sometimes feels very unfair that he always does the hard work. Chronic Pain treatment plan. Yesterday I had an appointment with …


Well that was fun

This morning I woke up and the pain I wrote about yesterday was worse.  Still I tried to get up.  Mr H helped me get dressed.  It took me 45 minutes to accept I was not going to work.  Instead Mr H drove me to the hospital. I have written about the issues at work before.  Last March when I was in hospital for 2 days and off work a total of 6 days, I received a number of unsupportive messages, mainly how it was just …

Bloody Useless

This morning when I got up, I was so tired and in so much pain I cried.  Can you imagine that? You open your eyes and as soon as you move pain hits you. Chronic pain, the pain I have, is I think something very few people fully understand. Understanding Chronic Pain. “Have you taken some pain killers?” and “We all have back ache sometimes.” Yes, I have actually heard these sentences.  My mum is one of the worst offenders.  She resides deep in the …

Chronic pain

Caudal Epidural

Today I had an appointment at the hospital to discuss the next plan for pain relief. For once we were in and out quickly, the consultant asked a couple of questions and then said he thinks a caudal epidural is the next thing to try as the pain is being transmitted down my legs in the sciatic nerves. Raising questions. It didn’t occur to me until we left but one of the questions he asked was about the MRI that they did in March and …

bed bedroom blanket comfort

Memory foam mattress topper

We have a silentnight miracoil mattress. It wasn’t cheap (in my opinion) costing just over £400 and it’s a heck of a lot more comfortable than the cheap mattress we had before. We have had this for 2 years now and as my back has its ups and downs I have found that I am waking up each morning full of aches and pains. What I have noticed recently, is that when we stay at a premier inn, the mattress is really comfortable. I mean …

How’s your pain?

I have written before about Pain… My pain. Probably far too much of my blog is about pain… although some of it is good pain. Good Pain that takes my bad pain away. Throughout today my pain has shifted from the current 6 to 7 then 8…. I phoned the GP and they have increased the new pain medication. When I got home I went in the bath, and then to bed. I lay down and cried. Partly because I’m home. Partly because I can relax. Mainly …

ECG and Me

Last Friday I went to see my GP. I had booked the day off work so it was a good opportunity to go and review the medications. Since my hospital stay early in April I have been taking regular doses of Codeine as well as Paracetamol and I am now taking Naproxen (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory). The Naproxen has helped with joint stiffness in my shoulders and knees but not with the sciatic pain. The Codeine has helped with pain but unfortunately about 50 mins after …

Trial and Error

I tried driving today for the first time.  It did not go well.  Mr H needed to take his bike into the shop for a service and so, as the shop is only 4 miles away from our house I decided this could be my maiden voyage so to speak.  Within 1 mile I knew there was a problem. Lifting my left leg to use the clutch was causing my leg to shake and go cold.  I mean it is cold today, but cold, the cold feeling was …

sleeping pain

What a Relief!

At the moment, I am on the edge.  My pain is barely controlled.  I’m exhausted. I get through work but the effort of doing so through the pain is exhausting.  So today I came home from work and I headed straight up to bed. I took the pain medication I can take and I got into bed. The relief I felt just laying down in bed. I can’t describe it. It was so nice.  Yesterday was the same. I’m exhausted. I’m so sick of being tired. I really am. …

kidney stones

The Week That Was… Frightening

It’s been a difficult week. I spent the first few days petrified that I would be facing another 5 months on bed rest. As a result I resisted going to hospital. When I finally gave in (on Thursday morning) and headed off to hospital in an ambulance I was trying hard not to cry. I asked Mr H to stay home as I knew it would involve hours of waiting around. I also knew I would be sent for an MRI before they made any …