
“Tonight, we’ll see what we can do about you” MrH knew I’d been feeling a bit low. The tramadol works in similar ways to an antidepressant so when you stop taking it you can experience depression, disassociation and other fun things. As I live with depression and take medication to stabilise that the tramadol has essentially been putting me on a higher dose of “happy pills”. Having said that I’ve not been running around laughing manically lol 😂 Now, so far (so good) I’ve not …

Maintenance works…

He’s semi reclined on the bed when I walk in the room. I don’t realise immediately that he has his cane in his hand. What I did notice is that our boy cat is sat up, attentive. When I do notice the cane I realise that this is what has my cat so focused. His head is moving, following the cane and MrH looks like he’s conducting an orchestra! The cane. A shiver of excitement has fluttered through me, but as we have not been …


“I know what we’ll do!” MrH suddenly exclaimed last night. “We’ll get the cane out. We’ve not done that in a while.” He got up and got out the cane. “Where do you want me?” I asked. “On the bed, arse in the air.” He said. I put my body pillow across the bed and got on all fours, knees and elbows so I wasn’t leaning on my wrists (they get sore and swollen if I lean on them) and took a calming breath. My …


The Cane

I asked Mr H if he would try his cane out on Friday night, and he kindly said he would think about it. There was a time when I would have tried to persuade Mr H to give me a definite answer, but I have learned that while I can ask things of Mr H, I must then leave the decision to him and accept it. In fact I nearly didn’t ask at all. But, I felt in need of something to take me out …