This last week we decided to see if I could ride my bike. The hope being that, because of the different sitting position, my leg won’t go numb and I will be able to regain some independence. Perhaps 2 wheels would be better than 4 for now.
For the last few weeks Mr H has driven me to work, dropped me off, then gone to work. He’s worked through his lunch and left early to pick me up. It’s made his day and mine longer. Now don’t get me wrong he hasn’t complained and he wouldn’t. He’s just not that kind of man. But I feel bad about it.
So during the week Mr H pulled my bike out of the garage and I sat on her for 20 mins (the time it takes to get to work). Periodically I lifted my legs into position in the pegs, practiced changing gear and holding the brake.
Yesterday, I took her out for a little ride. I went into the local town and back home. I did 3 miles in total taking about 10 minutes, with no problems.
Today, Mr H and I went for our first ride together with our new comms (the Cardo Packtalk Duo) and ear protectors.
I have to say I’m impressed. The ear protectors pretty much eliminate all the usual road noise and yet I can hear my music paying through the Cardo system perfectly. At 70mph talking to Mr H wasn’t perfect, or should I say, hearing MrH speak wasn’t perfect, but at 70mph I’m not surprised!!!
The most important thing for me, well us really, was that I did the ride without issue. I’m tired now but I didn’t sleep well, and we took the long way home it’s a beautiful day so I couldn’t waste it on just a quick motorway ride!
Tomorrow, will be the real test. Fingers crossed that when I wake up tomorrow I’m still ok!
Sweetgirl x
I will have to look into those. We need something like those for our riding
They aren’t cheap but absolutely brilliant!!! We got them off Amazon for £360.00 The ear protectors were also well worth £80.00 at the Manchester Bike Show.