Wicked Wednesday

And then he kissed me

We slowly woke up this morning, fighting the urge to fall back to sleep. My body stiff and sore from laying still, his, warm and sweaty from the heat. I rolled over to him and lay near his hip. Not quite touching him, he was too warm. I admired his body, his legs and hips. His abdomen and of course his cock, silky smooth, as it lay over his balls.

I raised my body up and leant over to kiss his cock from base to tip. Soft, delicate, tiny kisses, one, after the other. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

I put my head back down but now the sleep had left my body. I wanted to kiss him again. I looked over at him. His cock was now at 3 o’clock. He had clearly liked my kisses. I smiled a little to myself and decided to treat myself to another row of kisses. This time starting at the tip, as this was nearest to me. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

I risked a glance at his face. His eyes were closed. I decided to chance another set. As I leant towards him, he must have felt my breath because he twitched his cock and it bumped my face. I wanted to giggle, but didn’t, instead I went to the base of his cock, now fully erect, and began my trail of kisses. I savored each kiss. Knowing at any moment he would call a halt. Kissing him gently, my lips soft, taking time over each kiss I placed on him.

He did call a stop, declaring it was time to get up and do my collar.

I stood obediently and held my hair out of the way. He unfastened the night collar and placed the day chain round my neck.

“Who’s are you?” He asked, I could feel his cock pressing against my backside.

“I am yours.” I replied rubbing against him.

“Who’s my beautiful girl?” He asked his cock now edging between my thighs.

“I am.” I replied and he stepped backwards.

“Who’s the only girl who gets my cum?” He asked.

“I am.” I said grinning.

“Gel or cream?” He asked, business like. This is the pain relief topical treatments he’s referring to. I replied gel and bent over the bed so my back was better placed for him to put the gel on and rub in.

As he rubbed it in, I felt his cock again against my backside and that familiar feeling gathered in my pussy. I felt the blood rushing there, my clit swelling, moisture building. He wiped his hands and before I could move he had pushed his fingers between my legs, spreading me enough for him to push his cock deep into my pussy.

He thrust into me, groaning. “That feels so good,” he said and he moved in and out, and he was right it did. He took me there. Pounding against me. I reveled in the feeling of him, his cock inside me and the sound of his hips as they slapped against my backside. His occasional groans sent my head spinning into a delightful submissive place and when he came I felt wonderful.

He passed me a towel to catch his cum, and wipe myself with. As he went to leave the room he touched my face gently, and then he kissed me…

Sweetgirl x

Sweet Autumn Rose  


To see more Wicked Wednesday posts for week 373 prompt click HERE.

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  1. What a lovely encounter. You are a very cute couple 🙂

  2. Sounds like a good way to administer pain relief to me ☺️

  3. Very erotic! Love you two!

  4. What a lovely way to start the day!

    Rebel xox

  5. A perfect ‘good morning’ for you both … nj … xx

  6. Yes indeed

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