On Being Married and Relationships,On Everyday Life,Wicked Wednesday

How to keep your mind from going mad

In this new lockdown, as with others, one of the things I see most on social media is how bored people are, going mad, stir crazy, locked up in their homes with their families. I find this saddening and fascinating at the same time. We spend so much time busy with our lives, running here and there, how many of us actually spend time truly together? So many couples reach retirement only to find they do not know each other any more. But I digress as I often do, I want to talk about how to beat the boredom and stop your mind from going mad.

Keep Occupied.

The simplest way to avoid boredom is to remain occupied. The ability to learn new things has never been easier with youtube and the internet. There are tutorials on how to do just about anything, so my best advice is to learn something new. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune either, many tutorials are offered free. Crafts, languages, technical skills. The possibilities are as vast as the internet, so find something new to challenge you.

Get to know yourself.

We can be so afraid of silence, of our own thoughts, and being alone, but being comfortable with our own minds is an important thing to learn. The reported rates of depression and anxiety have increased with the lockdowns and I have not found this surprising. In many ways we use activity as a means of avoiding our thoughts, and I think this is at times an unhealthy thing. During a period of recovery I read a book about depressive illness[1] and how certain personalities are more prone to this than others. The Author Dr Tim Cantopher suggests that we are not designed for modern life. Our minds have not yet evolved to do so many things at once and in some cases this leads to a point where we simply cannot continue.

I certainly reached this point in 2005 and the next five years were a period of self discovery and self acceptance. I still struggle with the need to take things slowly. In the past when I am working I take on too much, and tend to burn out. I am getting better at this, but then again this last 2 years I have been forced to take things slower, and it has had it’s benefits. I’ve learned to avoid madness by following the guidance of Mr.H.

Get to know your lover.

Spend time talking, and laughing. Ask all those questions you did when you first me. Ask your partner what their dreams are – after all dreams do change. Tell them your dreams too. It is so easy for us to simply live in the same house and not live together. We fall into routines and become strangers, so why not use this time to remember why you fell in love in the first place?

Accept the things you cannot change.

The lockdown is not something we can change. Covid 19 is spreading around the world and this new variant is spreading faster than ever. More and more people are testing positive and the after effects are debilitating. I have spoken with a number of people who have found that months after the initial illness they are suffering from exhaustion and a brain fog which is preventing them from concentrating. We must endure this, and endure it we can. In the meantime in order to stop ourselves from going mad let us accept this time as one for discovery, see it as a gift, a chance to slow down our busy lives savour each moment.

Sweetgirl x

Sweet Autumn Rose  


This post is linked to Wicked Wednesday #450 “Impulsive” and although it doesn’t fit the prompt topic I encourage you to click HERE and read the many excellent entries.

  1. Cantopher, Dr T. “Depressive illness:The curse of the strong”, 3rd Edition. Great Britain. Sheldon Press. 2013.

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  1. It is so easy for us to simply live in the same house and not live together – so very true.

    I have begun to listen to audio books and podcasts when I am exercising, but this is not because I cannot be alone with my thoughts, although when I feel that I am overthinking things these tools can help.

    Great post which made me think Sweet.
    Posy Churchgate recently posted…Delphine’s Schooldays Chapter 14 – LettersMy Profile

    1. Thank you xx

  2. slave sindee says:

    some very good ideas – nice post

    1. Thank you

  3. All good ideas. I completely agree though about being baffled by people who are so horrified at spending time together. I’m actually really grateful for the time I’m getting to spend with my son. We’re baking, drawing, singing, laughing. Sure, I sometimes have to knock him off the curtain rail with a broom, but these are moments I’ll never get back. 😉

    1. Oh that made me laugh out loud! Our youngest once climbed up our kitchen cupboards! Sounds brilliant. Definitely time to savor.

  4. Wow, Sweet, this is such a good post, with good advice. I never understand how people can feel bored, as I never am. There are so many things we can keep busy with, and I more frequently have too little hours in my day, than too many. Good tips to learn something new, and to accept things we cannot change. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and take care!
    ~ Marie xox

    1. Thank you

  5. There’s always lots to do! And I would never be unhappy to spend time with my beloved!

    1. You’re a good un though

  6. Some great thoughts here Sweet – I love silence and for many years have been content with that – and my own company – I don’t watch TV – there are so many better things i find to do – but i miss my work –

    Lots of love to u Sweet xx
    May More recently posted…I can’t help acting on ImpulseMy Profile

    1. Same to you May x

  7. Great advice in here Sweet! And it’s lovely to see you out and about!
    MrsK recently posted…Melts in my MouthMy Profile

    1. Thank you

  8. Great positive post. And the recommendations are more relevant than ever. Thanks for your advice. I will definitely use it.

  9. Very good advice. The main thing is not to indulge in boredom and despondency.

  10. Good advice.
    Brigit Delaney recently posted…A Slow Striptease 1My Profile

    1. Thank you

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