I finally got online access and was able to check the syn values. Some were pretty close, some had changed. Anyway, Mr. H and I sat and did a menu for next week, put together the shopping for delivery, and wrote down all the syn values for items we have coming on Saturday, and things in the cupboards already. This way Mr. H knows how many syns he is giving me, and I am reporting how many syns I am having.
Syns or sins?
‘Syns’ short for synergy, is the term used to describe the naughty foods that make you feel sinful; the cream cakes, and chocolate bars. One of the main reasons that I think diets fail is when we feel deprived. When we feel like we are missing out, or have to say ‘no’ to a food we really want to eat. So many of the modern diets allow for all foods to be eaten, in moderation.
It is this flexibility that helped me stay on plan, and lose 5 stones, because when I wanted to have a treat I could have one. We would even have takeaway every now and then. Of course that is the key to maintaining a healthy weight, only having the occasional treat.
Food Choices.
Meal | Friday 24th July | Value |
Breakfast | Cereal 40g | HE B |
Lunch | Salad: Cheese, 40g | HE A |
Lunch | Salad: Sweet Chilli Sauce 1 tablespoon | 1 syn |
Lunch | Salad: Spinach, peppers, tomatoes, fat free dressing | Free |
Lunch | yogurt | 1 syn |
Tea | spaghetti bolognese | Free |
Supper | Cereal 20g | 4 syns |
Snacks | Carrots | Free |
Treat | half a bounty bar | 7 |
All day | Skimmed Milk 350ml | HE A |
Daily Syn Count (used out of 15) | 13/15 |
I slept much better last night, only waking twice during the night, and the ginger cat didn’t wake me at stupid o’clock. However, I was still very drowsy and unable to keep my eyes open, so I went back to bed after breakfast for 45 mins and felt much more awake.
I’ve caught up on series 16 of Greys Anatomy, and am rewatching Blacklist, but to be honest it’s just background noise, while I crochet or practice on photoshop.
Being in self isolation is making things strange for Mr. H and J as if they do go out they come back in and have to put all their clothes in the washing machine and then shower. I’m grateful we’re not on a water meter as naturally our car got poorly and had to go into the garage for a new battery, so, Mr.H has had to go out three times this week. Twice to the garage and also to the chemist for my medication.
I’m feeling a little nervous about getting weighed in the morning but must remember I was not properly accounting syns until I got access to the portal and as a result I have exceeded my syns allowance a few days. I’ve also recognized I need to drink more during the day as I’ve had a few headaches. Still, it’s a marathon not a sprint.
Sweetgirl x

Slimming World Terminology
There are a number of terms used in the slimming world plan, here I hope to explain what they are. If there are any other things you don't understand leave a comment or use the contact form and I will update the list.
- Free. These are foods that can be eaten without weighing or measuring. Generally fruit, vegetables, pasta, rice, lean meat, beans pulses and lentils.
- Speed. These are free foods that help you loose weight. The more of these you eat, the more weight you lose.
- Healthy Extras. These are foods that need to be weighed or measured but are also essential to a healthy diet. Cereals, bread, milk, and cheeses.
- Syns. These are the foods that you have to record most carefully. Chocolate, crips or chips, biscuits or cookies, fast foods, pastries, desserts, cake... etc.
- Group. This is the slimming world group, or other slimming club group that you might attend when following a franchise style diet. Once a week you attend to be weighed on a calibrated machine. Rewards are given out for achievements (usually every half stone lost).
- Consultant or Group Leader. The person who runs the previously mentioned group.
You sound like you are really taking control of this so good for you. I hope the weigh in went well and that you can soon see results for your efforts
missy recently posted…What do I do if he is not engaging? – Reader question
I’m trying… and yes it did thanks….
Grey’s Anatomy, why would you do it to yourself. We’re committed to seeing it too the end now, regardless of how much it makes us cry. Sounds like you have a good plan to be the right size for you, keep it up.
Lol I know