Medial branch nerve block – test procedure

Today I went into hospital for a diagnostic procedure. I’ve have back pain. I’ve had back pain since 2008. I woke up one day in much pain I couldn’t walk. I had sciatic pain. My left leg kept going numb. The doctors just gave me pain meds. After 18 months i was referred to rheumatology. I was told it could be a few things. Learn to live with it. I was 35. I had access to a private medical insurance and they arranged an MRI. …

What are you waiting for? An invitation?

I’ve mentioned in other posts that right now I’m incredibly horny. This new level of submission (see take me own me use me) the realisation of this change as well as the reinstatement of the rules has thrown my body into a highly sensitive state. I have to ask if I want to use my syns. Each time I ask it reminds me of my submission. Each time he answers I get a thrill and my arousal increases. Add to this the new, stricter rule …

Take me, own me, use me.

I’ve been very naughty recently.  The rules MrH set me at the start of the year have lapsed.  I guess some of you will say that MrH is to blame, that he should have been enforcing the rules. But in reality he decided to allow them to lapse.  I was stressed and struggling with outside forces (work – settling into a new job) and he decided that for a while he wasn’t going to have me thinking I was letting him down too, by punishing me. But those …

Doin’ it Doggy style

This has always been one of my favourite positions for sex. It feels primal and I love that feeling of impact as MrH thrusts into me.

With the introduction of D/s MrH has taken this to a new delicious level. He’s tied me, arms behind my back and pushed me face down over the bed. He made handles in the rope work to hold as he penetrated me and

Captains Prize (part 16)

The Captain opened the door and walked onto the main deck. Burt was tied arms wide, from the main mast. A stream of profanity spewed from his mouth. “Enough!” Captain H snapped. “Was he told the rules Smithy?” Smithy stepped forward. “Aye, Captain,” he said. “I told him myself that the girl was not to be touched, that she was yours.” The Captain nodded his understanding. He walked round in front of Burt, and looked the man in the eye. He clenched his teeth, disgusted. …

Captains Prize (part 15)

Martha woke up with a start. There was a hand pressed over her mouth. She knew instinctively it wasn’t The Captain and she started to struggle. “Shut it,” a voice growled near her ear, and she felt warm breath on her face. “I’ll cut ya if ya makes noise,” the voice continued. For one moment she considered doing as he said. Hadn’t she been expecting this from the start? Instead in that moment of stillness she decided she would not. She would not be hurt …


MrH has been my Dominant for 9 months now and over the last few days I have been prompted to reflect on our journey by a few other blog posts. In short it’s been wonderful. Every area of our relationship has been touched by the D/s dynamic and made stronger, more passionate, more intimate and more loving. I don’t want you to think that our relationship/marriage was in trouble, boring or lacking anything before we introduced D/s. It wasn’t. We loved each other and made …


Home again – part 2

We rested for a while watching TV. With two and a half hours to go til our restaurant reservation, MrH decided to take some sexy photos. We had discussed this before we left and there had been a few images that we had decided to try and recreate. (ps if you haven’t read part 1 click here) The first outfit he chose was the body stocking. He opened the net curtains and told me to stand in front of the window. He took some pictures. …

Home again.

We’re home from a wonderful stay in our favourite hotel, and as always when we pulled off the motorway there was that moment of “back to reality” sadness. We’ve been productive today though, washing the motorbikes, cleaning their chains and lubing them back up. They are both clean and sparking ready for the week ahead. But, my followers I know this is not what you’re interested in. Oh no – you want the juicy details of our debaucherous night….. We arrived and headed for the …


MrH sent me a brief email with instructions for today: Hello sweetgirl. 1. This weekend before play starts you will be inspected. You will ensure you are smooth shaven and clean. Your hair in a plait. 2. There will be taken (possibly videos) so make sure you pack accordingly(body stockings. Suspenders and such like). If there are particular photos you would like let me know. 3. Ensure all equipment is charged/batteries available. 4. For our evening meal you will need a dress or skirt. …