
Black Hole

What depression means to me. I posted yesterday that I’m not doing so well. I think that may be an understatement, but rather than prattle on about that, I thought instead I’d share instead what depression means to me because I believe that everyone experiences it differently. I believe depression is a black hole. Once it gets you in its grip it slowly strips parts of you away. Your sense of security. Your confidence. Your happiness. Your self worth. Your ability to feel joy. Your …

Captains Prize (part 10)

Martha stretched out, she felt so comfortable so relaxed. Between the bed and the gentle sway of the ship she couldn’t remember ever feeling so, so, she struggled to name it.. happy? she thought. She allowed her mind to drift back to yesterday evening. The Captain so kind, so gentle. Sure it had felt strange having a man touch her feet, but once he had applied pressure, a sigh escaped her as she remembered the way her body had just melted. He was a strange …


MrH’s take on us and our journey so far..

MrH was asked by Missy [fellow blogger and hostess at The Safeword Club] to write about his experiences a a Dominant in the first 6 months of our journey. Initially he decided not to but after a bit of thought he decided to. You can read his wonderful words by following this link: New Dom’s Tale I hope you enjoy it! Post Script: In 2023 The Safeword Club closed it’s doors and Mr H post was reposted on here. Have you read about how our …

Tie me up and use me – please!

I’ve had a few rough days, my back pain has been worse than usual and Sir decided that I could pleasure his cock as a treat to relax me. Mr H relaxed my rules a little and insisted that I rest and that on the first day I wasn’t to exercise. On the second day, I was to continue to rest, and do stretches not exercise. The third day Mr H told me to do the same again. This morning I’m feeling a little better. …

Captains Prize (part 9)

Martha layed back nervously. Was this it? Was he about to violate her and call it ‘a reward’?! She felt sick, anxiety twisted her stomach. She clenched her fists prepared to fight. He hadn’t restrained her. That was his mistake she thought. The Captain watched her face. He could see she was anticipating some assault. He wasn’t surprised given her father’s proclivity to violence. But, he needed to build trust if she was to give herself to him. He reached out his hand towards her …

Captains Prize (part 8)

Martha wasn’t sure how long she stayed watching the family of dolphins, but the light had changed and her knees were feeling sore. But, even the discomfort couldn’t drag her away from the window and the antics of the dolphins. So, when there was a light knock at the door she was not only startled, but disappointed. She hadn’t interacted with anyone else on the ship and Martha felt nerves flutter in her stomach. “Come,” the Captain spoke clearly, and the door opened. A young …


Our first munch

On Tuesday we went to our first Munch that is held at a local BDSM / swingers club The Townhouse. It takes us 50 minutes to drive there and we were both nervous, uncertain what to expect. Arriving at the munch. We arrived and met with some friends who took us in and introduced us. This is one of the better ways to goto a munch, as the people there know you are serious about the lifestyle, and understand how the members value confidentiality. The …


The Cane

I asked Mr H if he would try his cane out on Friday night, and he kindly said he would think about it. There was a time when I would have tried to persuade Mr H to give me a definite answer, but I have learned that while I can ask things of Mr H, I must then leave the decision to him and accept it. In fact I nearly didn’t ask at all. But, I felt in need of something to take me out …

Captains Prize (part 7)

When Martha woke again it was still light, so she hasn’t slept long. He was not on the bed with her and she rolled onto her back staring at the ceiling. The wood was old, dark and warm. Slowly she sat up. Her wrists were still unbound, and her eyes moved around the room. She hadn’t really looked at it. Too frightened yesterday and this morning – she stopped those thoughts dead in their tracks. Da was gone. The Captain had said she would never …

Captains Prize (part 6)

He lay comfortably while she slept. Her warm body was curled at his side, her breathing soft and gentle. He wondered what her life had been like in England. He’d wager it hadn’t been easy. Her hands were used to work, he could see the callouses and her knuckles were still showing signs of having been chapped, despite having been at sea for a few weeks. Her father had been a nasty piece of work he mused. When The Captain had arranged for him to …