A dripping tap will fill a bucket. Easy on easy off. Nice and steady wins the race. Draw a line under it and get back on plan…. These are all things we hear regularly at a slimming world group (when I was going). There is always at least one member who has eaten their weight in unhealthy fatty (gorgeous) foods and managed to lose 5lbs – and yes everyone secretly hates them – as well as one who has been on plan and gained 5lbs. There can be tears of joy and frustration but inevitably at group you will make friends. I met one of my closest friends at my slimming world group. I am going to refer to her as Angel because at times she has been exactly that. She has been one of the few people to message me asking how I am (in my vanilla world I mean) and she encourages, and occasionally bullies me, into going out which I do sometimes need.
Food Choices.
Meal | Sunday 19th | Value |
Breakfast | Cereal 40g | HE B |
Lunch | Soup | 3 syns |
Tea | Steak, Potatoes, Vegetables | Free |
Snacks | Yogurt | Free |
Supper | Cereal 20g | 3 syns |
Snacks | Strawberries | Free |
Treat | Mini Ice cream | 7 syns |
All day | Skimmed Milk 700ml | HE A x2 |
Daily Syn Count (used out of 15) | 13/15 |
Meal | Monday 20th | |
Breakfast | Cereal 40g | HE B |
Lunch | Salad: Cheese reduced fat 40g | HE A |
Lunch | Salad: Sweet Chilli Sauce 1 teaspoon | 2 syns |
Lunch | Salad: Spinach, peppers, tomatoes, fat free dressing | Free |
Tea | Chicken Stir Fry | Free |
Tea | Stir Fry Sauce | 3 syns |
Supper | Cereal 20g | 3 syns |
Snacks | Strawberries and Mango | Free |
Treat | Mini Icecream | 7 syns |
All day | Skimmed Milk 350ml | HE A |
Daily Syn Count (used out of 15) | 15/15 |
Meal | Tuesday 21st | values |
Breakfast | Cereal 40g | HE B |
Lunch | Salad: Cheese, | HE A |
Lunch | Salad: Sweet Chilli Sauce 1 teaspoon | 2 syns |
Lunch | Salad: Spinach, peppers, tomatoes, fat free dressing | Free |
Tea | Minced beef, mash potatoes and vegetables | Free |
Supper | Cereal 20g | 3 syns |
Snacks | Carrots | Free |
Snacks | Mango | Free |
Treat | Horlix | 5 syns |
All day | Skimmed Milk 350ml | HE A |
Daily Syn Count (used out of 15) | 10/15 |
So far so good I guess. I’m following the slimming world plan well, noting syns and Mr. H weighs the foods that need weighing, but I have had a few tears. Some of that is facing up to how low I feel and how much weight I have gained. I have tried to ignore it for a long time but there comes a point when you have to see it and decide to do something about it. Getting the appointment for the test procedure brought home the fact that if I didn’t stop making excuses I would be making things much harder for myself in the long run. I may not be able to move about, but that doesn’t mean I can’t control what foods I eat. I lost weight last time I was immobile so I have no reason to think it wouldn’t happen again.
I also received some very positive and lovely comments on my recent post Taken Prisoner by pain which did lift me a little but I am still not sleeping well so I haven’t made it to the Chats at The SafeworD/s Club. I do miss chatting to the gang there, but I can’t type with my eyes closed.
Wishing you all well – and if you are trying to follow a healthier lifestyle – good luck!
Sweetgirl x

I guess you just have to do it. But, that’s pretty easy for me to say. Being unable to exercise isn’t helping, but someday, hopefully soon, that will change. It’s nice you have that angel. Fingers crossed for a good test procedure, over here.
elliott recently posted…Stand Still
This is true, there is nothing else but to do it… on a positive note I will be taking some comparison pictures every 4 weeks
Good luck with this, Sweet. I know how hard it can be to get your head back in the game!
~ Marie
Thank you ♡
The most difficult step is starting! You’ve already accomplished that. Good luck as you continue.
Collaredmichael recently posted…Some Alone Time—The Kids Are Away! (Oh and I Won a Bet)
Thank You