Blogging from A2Z 2019: Quiet

I imagine everyone who has teenage children, or small children who don’t sleep well, will be familiar with having to be quiet while having sex.  For years our lovemaking was quiet and hushed. Most of the time our son who still lives at home is online with a set of headphones on absorbed in some game, chatting with a group of friends. This allows some freedom in that I don’t have to be so conscious of sounds I might make when Mr H plays with …

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Blogging from A2Z 2019: Promise

A promise is a childish thing isn’t it? The idea that you can ensure something will happen exactly as you plan. That nothing will prevent it. As adults should we believe such a thing is even possible?  I can remember asking my dad to promise he would never leave. He promised he wouldn’t. Then my mum left him and in many ways he did leave. I can remember promising to be friends forever with girls at school. I have no idea where they are today. I …

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Blogging from A2Z 2019: Open mind

I like to think I have an open mind.  I figure it’s none of my business how anyone else wants to live their life as long as they are not hurting anyone.  I find it incredible that anyone feels they have the right, in today’s world, to judge another’s choices.  I recognise that I am also lucky to live in a country where men and women are valued equally. Where women have the opportunity to do anything they want to do. When I hear some of the stories …


Tell Me About: Rules

I have rules.  I’m not necessarily great at following them.  They started little. I was to be respectful to him. Mr H doesn’t like me swearing and so he expected me not to swear and I was not to role my eyes at him. The first time I asked him to help me by setting a rule was felt strange. It took me ages to work up to it. I had a bad habit and I asked Mr H to help me manage it. I was waking …

Trial and Error

I tried driving today for the first time.  It did not go well.  Mr H needed to take his bike into the shop for a service and so, as the shop is only 4 miles away from our house I decided this could be my maiden voyage so to speak.  Within 1 mile I knew there was a problem. Lifting my left leg to use the clutch was causing my leg to shake and go cold.  I mean it is cold today, but cold, the cold feeling was …


Blogging from A2Z 2019: Naughty

I have a naughty side.  Not like break the law naughty, but playful naughty.  Sometimes I’ll pinch Sirs bottom. Sometimes I’ll smack it. Sometimes I’m cheeky. All these things, I’ve learned can be described almost like an alternative personality. You may have heard of littles, where a person likes to be taken care of like a child. In some cases they like to be diapered and bottle fed or pretend to breast feed. Some identify as older, more like toddlers, and they may like to colour with …

Do you want to…

As we lay in bed this morning MrH asked me “do you want to touch my cock?” He asks, but honestly I don’t think I’ve ever said no even before D/s. He could have said “touch my cock” but he always seems to pose the question, giving me a choice- or maybe he gets a thrill from my saying yes. I rolled to him and starting with one hand stroked the length of him. Still semi erect from waking up I brought both hands together, …

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Blogging from A2Z 2019: Marriage

I married Mr H on a beautiful sunny day in September 1999.  It wasn’t the day we envisioned. My mother took over, his mother had her say too. If we could go back and do it again… we would elope. Whenever I asked Mr H his opinion he would say I don’t care, what ever you like. I thought that meant he didn’t care. It wasn’t that at all, he said, he was interested in marrying me, being married to me, the wedding was just one …


Blogging from A2Z 2019: Kink

There are so many different kinks it would be foolish of me to try and list them all.  But Kink still needed to be included in the A2Z.  There’s also some that are more hard core than others. A bit like soft porn and hard core porn there are scales of kink. A2Z of Kink I guess our kinks lie in the soft end. Anal play, bondage, impact play, sex toys like phallic vibrators as well as wands, oral sex and wax play. We have …


Blogging from A2Z 2019: Limits

Limits are something that every person entering into a D/s relationship needs to clearly establish. We all have them. There are generally accepted to be 2 types, soft limits and hard limits. I once read a submissive having said “I submit completely I have no hard limits I will do anything.” When the Dominant asked her to shave all her hair off she said “no” He of course then pointed out that this was in fact a limit, something she wouldn’t do, and we all …