The second week of January began with a fizzle….. neither MrH or I wanted to get out of bed on Monday morning when the alarm went off. What a life we could have if only we could win the lottery! Don’t get me wrong I enjoy my job but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be happier spending my day sewing, riding or playing with cats and dogs, and I know MrH would be infinitely happier with a pack of dogs to walk!
But anyway we got up (as you do) eventually and MrH picked my bra colour so I could get dressed. At the appropriate time we set off for work.
Last week MrH told me to order the long audio cable so I could resume sending photos of food and drink as he instructed me last year when our rules were re-defined on the 8th December 2018. It arrived on Saturday and is now attached to the speaker at work, a 5m cable it reaches all across the office! I now have no excuses at all, my phone can sit next to my coaster and is visible. So far I’ve sent pics of drinks and food, and told MrH when I have lunch.
The bad tramadol effects seem to have passed completely and if I can work out where my thermal linings are I will be back on my bike to and from work, well I also need to change my visor to the clear one, and give her a good wash, clean the chain of the old crap and lube it back up. I want to price and get fitted some new tyres as the old one has been repaired and they are quite twitchy – not at all grippy – especially in the wet.
MrH’s bike is a bit poorly too, the down pipes have decided to part company from the exhaust box, so Saturday we will take it up to the garage. Hopefully they can repair it without it breaking the bank!
Last night, MrH got the cane out. I counted in my head as I do, only this time he didn’t do sets of 10. It threw me, I think one set was 21, but I can’t fully remember. I detach slightly and when he decides to stop he covers me and cuddles me while I come back round. It probably takes 10 to 15 minutes. I love this time. I feel safe and so calm.
Well, that’s about it for today. I’m off to see who’s about at The SafeworD/s Club. Tuesday evening is chat night 8pm GMT….
Sweetgirl x
