On Everyday Life


Friction Free Shaving or FFS is an online razor subscription for women and as I now shave my legs, underarms and all my bikini area daily I don’t skimp on razor blades. Since starting this regime I have used Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive blades. They have 5 blades and a moisture strip but at £13 per pack of 4 they aren’t cheap.

Mr H had recently had a bit of a “how much” moment at the cost of the refills for his own Gillette razor and made a comment that he would be looking at the online razor subscriptions when he needed new blades.

It occurred to me that surely there was something similar out there for us girls!?!

FFS Starter Box

Well there is. Although not as cheap as the men’s versions like the Dollar Shave Club UK where the initial kit is £5.00 and then £8.00 each month after that..

The ladies version does have its own unique selling point…

You get to pick between two different razor handles…

AND- You can get it Engraved with your Name!!! Yes you read that right, Engraved!!! In fact if you Click here to sign up you can get this FREE!

It’s £9.00 per month so I’m saving £4.00 and I have to say I’m impressed!

The handle isn’t cheap plastic it’s solid (I got the rose coloured one) and it’s pretty. The refills themselves have 6 blades and an edge trimmer so if you like a landing strip then keeping the edge neat will be a doddle. It’s sharp and smooth! You also get a blade cover so your razor is kept safe and tidy.

The box fits easily through the letterbox and the refills arrived a few days before I needed it, having decided I would change the blade every Saturday. I even got a free gift in this box, which was a suction cup holder for it, and there was a note inside saying next months freebie would be a travel bag for it!

I have to say they have gained a customer in me.

I would also like to point out that I have not been paid in any way for this review, and they didn’t ask me to do so, I purchased the razor myself and wasn’t sent any incentives.

Sweetgirl x

Sweet Autumn Rose  


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  1. Lol

  2. honey says:

    I also use a mans razor, but just for legs and underarms, the rest is waxed, I can’t seem to wait long enough to get the legs waxed, I have shaved daily for years its a habit LOL. I would much rather wax than shave the lady parts, just seems smoother; to me anyway. It is a pretty razor you chose.

  3. […] written before about pubic hair removal before, but given my back pain (and weight gain) I am no longer able to shave myself daily as I once […]

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