Too many toys?

Is there such a thing? Surely not. I mean you can’t have too many shoes either right?  But, we have toys at the moment that we haven’t yet used. Toys I’ve been looking forward to Mr H using.  We have two sets of clamps that have yet to come out of the wrappers, that we got after a visit to see HisLordship and SubMissy and we have a spiral glass dildo that we have yet to try. And today we ordered a pebble clit stim from the knickerfairy. …

The knicker fairy delivers

There is a lovely Ann Summers rep I know and Mr H and I order lingerie from her. As there is a sale on we ordered two new sets. They arrived today and they are lovely, but as I look pictures to show Mr H I was struck by negative thoughts. Serious negative thoughts. Now I know, I have body image issues. They stem back to my adolescence and a lack of good parental encouragement. I was never told I was pretty, or clever. I …

Christmas Surprise

I reached out and touched him. When he’s naked I’m allowed to touch without first seeking permission. I stroked his cock, gently. I leaned closer, kissing him, and when he didn’t tell me to stop, I took him in my mouth. He grew hard, and sighed. I continued to please him. Hearing him moan with pleasure, encouraging me to continue. Now I admit I wasn’t taking him in as deep as normal, which I know he loves, because of my nausea which I’ve been suffering. …

musings cuddle

Christmas Day 2018

I’m still suffering from the tramadol withdrawal. Which sucks. MrH is looking after me, as is our youngest B. Our eldest S didn’t come home, he went to stay with friends. We don’t really make a huge fuss at Christmas we never have. I’m not a fan of commercialisation and the oneupmanship that occurs this time of year. We’ve always had a simple budget for Christmas presents for the boys [£100 each] and at birthdays they get £50. In our opinion it’s enough. There have …

24th December 2018

The nausea continues. Restlessness too. MrH is at work for a few hours. And I miss him. I’m watching mindless TV and staying hydrated. Nibbling on rich tea biscuits. MrH gave me some lashes with the cane last night just to help me relax. It did. It still took me a while to fall asleep but I felt really good. Some of the brain fog is clearing. If the nausea would just bugger off I’d feel like I’m getting somewhere.

23rd December 2018

I’m determined to finish my advent post challenge – but I imagine the next three (this included) will be my worst ever posts! I have now missed 3 Doses of tramadol. By lunch time yesterday I was feeling the effects. Nausea. Brain Zaps My body feels heavy, achy. My sinus are congested. My head aches. Essentially like a bad cold. I slept a little yesterday afternoon. I struggled to get comfortable to sleep last night but did eventually fall asleep. MrH has gone in search …

21st December 2018

We finished work at half past 12. We got a little Christmas gift from the directors too, which is nice. I bought a new battery for my motorbike, and then went to pick up MrH. Then followed 2 hours of pure horror as we shopped for food in a supermarket and bought a cat litter. The people driving were impatient and rude. The people in the supermarket were focused on their own shopping, oblivious to those around them. We finally got home and had an …

8th December 2018

Today’s the day our rules are reset. Today’s the day our dynamic gets back on track properly. Let me explain….. MrH emailed me yesterday (text below) with his thoughts on how we can achieve this, which we then discussed last night. As you know my love I have been thinking about where we are at and where we are going and would like your thoughts on the below. Rules 1. Matching underwear to be worn Mon to Thurs 2. Friday is no pantie day 3. …

5th December 2018

A new blogging couple Purplesole and LittleGem wrote a post where for a short time he allowed LittleGem to top him. The experiment showed Purplesole how aftercare was extremely important, and this got me thinking…… Have MrH and I ever discussed aftercare? Well yes we have, but perhaps not in the necessary detail. I have never told him what I need. And then I thought, why haven’t I? Maybe the same reason I tend not to share my needs, wants, fantasies and desires… I don’t …