MrH has done a new post for The Safeword Club, taking about His thoughts as we reached the one year mark. Please go and have a read, and see how MrH has found things.

Exploring Kink as a Monogamous Married Couple
Sometimes life pulls us in a direction we don’t like. Sometimes we drift like a ship without an anchor. Sometimes we talk utter rubbish…. Right now I’m really struggling (again). I’ve been faced with behaviour at work that I’m not comfortable with. A level of deceit that I don’t like. A certain amount of aggression that frightens me and some unreasonable attitudes that have caused me many sleepless nights and anxious days. MrH wants me to look for another job, everyone I’ve discussed it in detail with, …
Sounds like the title to a children’s book doesn’t it? Well actually it just about sums up last Friday. It started with a car accident… well incident they say now don’t they? Some PC crap gone mental… but in this case it was an accident. Someone reversed into my car. Everyone seemed ok just damage to the cars. So onto work I went. My day progressed as normal, plenty of sweet drinks and then mid afternoon I came over funny. My colleague says I just …
Last night we had a rare few hours with the boys out of the house. Mr H decided to take advantage of this freedom and after practicing a rope harness he’d been working on, he decided to give me a flogging. Flogging inspiration. You may recall we went to a workshop by Aemillia Hawk at the Townhouse last weekend, and a few weeks ago we were lucky enough to be invited to a kink event where we saw our first public scenes, which also happened …
“Come here,” he shouted from the other room. “Yes Sir,” she replied, not exactly shouting, but loud enough that he knew she had heard him. “I’m on my way.” She got up from the chair and went upstairs to him. He had been having a bath and as she could see the bathroom door was open she knew he was now in their bedroom. She pushed the door open and went into the room. “Remove your clothes,” he said, not looking up. He was lying …
I struggle to ask MrH for things. Not like can I buy or can I eat, I mean sexual acts I want, and when I have chatted to other subs this seems to be a common theme. I think there are 2 reasons for this. 1. Embarrassment or shame. 2. Fighting with the idea that I shouldn’t ask as a submissive. The second is easier to argue out. MrH tells me he’s not a mind reader, and if I don’t tell him he doesn’t know. …
To me one of life’s simple pleasures is kissing. I love it when MrH kisses me- I mean of course I do…. but there are different kisses. There’s the familiar hello and goodbye kiss; the goodnight kiss; the gentle comforting kiss; and of course the pushed against the wall hands restrained demanding passionate almost violent kiss (yummy) but the times when he holds me, tips my chin and kisses me… that is magic. The anticipation before your lips touch…. The feel of their breath on …
Yesterday MrH and I went to our first event. It was held at Townhouse (where we attend munches) and was organised by a group from Glasgow, that our dear friend Lady Chamoix knows. It was Lady Chamoix who arranged for us to attend, partly because I wanted to meet her Slave. He and I have chatted online but it is nice to meet face to face. If you read my blog you’ll know I took great care with my appearance for the event. I had …
Tomorrow we’re going to our first BDSM event. I’m getting hair and makeup done and I’ve had my nails manicured and my brows waxed and tinted today. I’m about 45% nervous 55% excited. Oh and I’m so horny again! Work has settled into place this week and I’ve been able to relax into a routine. That has lessened my daily stress and this in turn has allowed me to bring my focus back to MrH. Naturally that leads to me being wanton and horny. Yesterday …
The story so far…. (see part one) Having been stripped naked, Mr H ordered me to suck his cock maintaining eye contact (a new challenge) before sending me to the bedroom and telling me to spread my ass cheeks. And now the conclusion… Sir had decided on some anal play, and he applied lots of lube and inserted a butt toy.. at this point I had no idea which one. It was our new toy… There is an image of it in the slideshow below. Anal treat. …