
A wonderful surprise Spanking for Sweetgirl

I’m here again talking about spanking, you would have thought I would have something different to talk about right? I mean we are alone. In fact we will be alone until Boxing day as the kids plans have changed and they are not coming home before Christmas. This will be the first Christmas we have been without Children ever. When Mr H and I met, T was a few months away from being three years old, and J arrived 3 years later. Mr H moved …

update on our rope work

Hotel break and other things – a little update.

I haven’t written much in the last few days, I haven’t had time. We have had a rather busy time and I have either been asleep or sewing but now things have calmed down I can update you all on what we have been up to. Christmas Creating. Some of you may recall I am quite crafty – not like sneaky but in making things. Knitting, crochet and sewing. The last 12 months has seen that develop a little and while I wouldn’t say I …


Early Bird gets the cock.

I woke up early on Saturday, half past 2 to be exact, and nipped to the loo. When I got back into bed, I could tell Mr H had also been disturbed by me getting out of bed, as he rolled over to face me, when I got back into bed. I reached over and felt for his cock. Taking him in my hand I gently stroked him. At any moment I expected him to tell me to stop and go to sleep. When he …

fuck my ass

I want you to fuck my ass

“I want you to fuck my ass,” was one of the first dirty things I asked Mr H for, if you don’t count spanking or asking him to be my Dominant.  It was also one of the hardest things I have asked for.  In fact asking him to do things to me is something I find really, really hard. But why? This is something I ask myself time and time again.  Why, why, why?  The thing is, I really don’t know.  Why can’t I just say …

glass dildo

Glass Dildo and Latex Gloves

While S2 was at work on Boxing Day, we took the opportunity to play.  I thought we would not be playing until the evening when S2 went out with friends and so mentally I was prepared for that.  When MrH put got two glass dildos out and the doxy I wasn’t prepared.  In fact I worried that my mind was not going to play well. He pointed at the door “Go for a wee.” He said.  It wasn’t a suggestion it was clearly an order …

Friday Night Fun

It’s Friday Night and J has gone to work, MrH dropped him off and we are alone until 10pm.  MrH plans to play, if the kiss he gave me earlier is anything to go by.  My body had responded to that kiss like a horny wanton slut. Tea was cooked and eaten when MrH came into the room with a handful of black and said “when you have showered, shaved and so on, you are required to wear these.” Instructions. I can’t lie, my body …


A dirty Treat

I never know what Mr H plans when we play, he has control of that, but this time he pulled out all the stops, spanking and anal, all the things I love. A spanking. He tucked my hair behind my left ear and his hand trailed down my neck to my breast and pinched my nipple. I gasped at the unexpected pain and I looked up at him.  His other hand reached for my other nipple and he squeezed that one too – hard.  The …


You don’t want me to stop do you?

MrH got the Doxy out, and I got out of bed and went to the loo.  It’s not sexy I know but I always pee before sex, (real life right?!) and part of my worry over squirting is that although I have read the studies that say it’s not pee and I know it doesn’t smell like pee, it still a worry, so I figure if my bladder is empty then it’s not pee and I can relax. At least that’s the theory.  So, on …


Do as you are told

“I think it’s time you sucked my penis” MrH said.  He had turned the TV off and was laid naked on the bed.  I moved towards him and paused I did want to suck his cock but I was still wearing my day collar. “Are you going to do my collar first?” I asked. “I think you should do as you’re told,” he replied firmly, “and suck my penis.” Dominance I moved to a comfortable position, I fidgeted a little.  I was taken back, he …

A Blow Job

A blow job.

It isn’t often Mr H tells me to give him a blow job but it is something I find highly enjoyable. I think my favourite way is when he kneels me in front of him and as well as allowing me to pleasure him, he can also take charge and use my mouth to fuck me. There’s something, don’t ask me what, that really turns me on, when I kneel in front of him. Having his cock my my mouth too is awesome, ticks another …