Tomorrow we’re going to our first BDSM event. I’m getting hair and makeup done and I’ve had my nails manicured and my brows waxed and tinted today. I’m about 45% nervous 55% excited. Oh and I’m so horny again! Work has settled into place this week and I’ve been able to relax into a routine. That has lessened my daily stress and this in turn has allowed me to bring my focus back to MrH. Naturally that leads to me being wanton and horny. Yesterday …

Our holiday- continued.
The story so far…. (see part one) Having been stripped naked, Mr H ordered me to suck his cock maintaining eye contact (a new challenge) before sending me to the bedroom and telling me to spread my ass cheeks. And now the conclusion… Sir had decided on some anal play, and he applied lots of lube and inserted a butt toy.. at this point I had no idea which one. It was our new toy… There is an image of it in the slideshow below. Anal treat. …
Take me, own me, use me.
I’ve been very naughty recently. The rules MrH set me at the start of the year have lapsed. I guess some of you will say that MrH is to blame, that he should have been enforcing the rules. But in reality he decided to allow them to lapse. I was stressed and struggling with outside forces (work – settling into a new job) and he decided that for a while he wasn’t going to have me thinking I was letting him down too, by punishing me. But those …

MrH’s take on us and our journey so far..
MrH was asked by Missy [fellow blogger and hostess at The Safeword Club] to write about his experiences a a Dominant in the first 6 months of our journey. Initially he decided not to but after a bit of thought he decided to. You can read his wonderful words by following this link: New Dom’s Tale I hope you enjoy it! Post Script: In 2023 The Safeword Club closed it’s doors and Mr H post was reposted on here. Have you read about how our …

Following the new rules
It’s been 3 days now since Mr H decided to issue me with new rules. They seem simple enough as for the most part they are about me taking care of myself (exercise and diet), making sure I don’t spend too much money (no eBay or Amazon purchases without permission), and, dressing in a way that makes Mr H happy (matching underwear or no knickers). Well so far so good. I’ve eaten inline with the Slimming World rules, I’ve completed my exercise, worn my matching …

I’ve broke the rules. I woke up at midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep. After two hours I reasoned that my stomach was hurting because I was hungry and perhaps some cereal would help me fall asleep. Only, I can’t go downstairs for food without waking MrH and getting permission. Dilemma- MrH is/was tired. He woke at 4am on Sunday morning and was tired all day. He has work today and I couldn’t wake him and risk him not being able to get back …

I am yours – A Lesson.
* #Submissive Fiction * #Erotica * #Flash Fiction * As usual Mr H is home before me. I can see the light in the living room has been turned on and a shadow moving inside. I pull the car onto the driveway and turn off the engine. My heart is already racing. I check the handbrake is on, undo my seatbelt, and, grabbing my bag from the passenger seat I get out of the car. The front door is still locked, so I retrieve my …

Running a tight ship
During a light hearted online group discussion yesterday I typed ‘rolls eyes’ in response to a comment by one of the Dom’s (who from here on I will refer to as MrX because using Dom all the time reads quite aggressively). Now MrX is aware that Mr H has forbidden eye rolling at him, as it is disrespectful. MrX commented that he would inform Mr H of my eye rolling. Before I go any further [insert Meatloaf song 😂 ] I want to make it …

I must not question
I have this bad habit of questioning Mr H’s decisions. Not during a scene – but in our everyday lives, and in doing so I am challenging his authority over and over again. Let me give you an example.. Challenging Authority On Monday it was frosty and we have 1 car (2 motorbikes) and Mr H tends to ride to work. When it’s frosty we leave the bikes at home and I drop Mr H at work (he starts before me). So on Sunday he …

Please Sir I need your help….
Yesterday I spent all day trying to find the courage to ask Mr H, my Dominant, to help me with a bad habit I have formed. My ability to speak openly and honestly is, I think, improving but I do still struggle with the idea that I am ‘being silly, being a bother’ etc and I often end up upset. Asking your Dominant for help I’ve found that recently I’m waking up during the night and, because of some early childhood conditioning, I invariably end …