Last night Mr H played with me. He enjoys performing oral on me and although he has initially told me I could touch him, as I tied my hair up he changed his mind. He spread my legs and began. Unfortunately it didn’t go well. I was lied awkwardly. I have a body pillow, it keeps me comfortable at night. I was half on half off the pillow, laid at an angle. I should have spoken up. The TV was still on. The noise was distracting. I put my hands over my ears trying to drown it out- unsuccessfully. I did speak up. Eventually. Not soon enough. My head wouldn’t get in the game so to speak and as a result, despite Mr H’s excellent attention, I didn’t climax. He decided to change to penis in vagina sex and he climaxed. The pounding during this penetration was nice. I love feeling him inside me.
Do you want a toy?
MrH asked me if I wanted a toy so I could masturbate to climax, but I declined. I really didn’t feel like it. By this time I was settled, once MrH changed to PIV and he came I had just moved to my submissive place and happy to be used.
Build up
It’s been a few weeks since I had a squirting orgasm, and I could feel it. MrH is pretty good at bringing me to orgasm now, but I usually only squirt when the doxy is in play. If MrH is holding the doxy I don’t always squirt – I am still self conscious about it.
This evening, as MrH was heading for his bath I asked him what his plans were. He said not a lot and to get a toy out if I wanted. If that was what I was going to ask. My embarrassment grew, I had been planning to ask. We went out on the bikes today. We did about 150 miles and were out for about 6 hours, so we’re both tired, but I was also feeling the need for an orgasm.
Over and done
I plugged the wand in, put a mat down and applied some lube onto the wand. I put the wand onto my clit and turned it on. As the vibrations rumbled through me, I imagined Mr H telling me to let go, to relax and feel it. I felt the orgasm build and imagined him telling me to cum for him. The orgasms started, peaking three times. I felt the change in my body as the orgasm transformed, and I imagined Mr H encouraging me to squirt for him. It’s hard to describe how they feel. It’s not like the muscular spasms of a normal orgasm, but there’s a sense of release and physical relief. I moved the wand from my clitoris to being directly over my vaginal opening and increased the pressure so the vibrations moved, another orgasm built this time a deep inside me. Cum for me I imagined him saying as the muscular contractions of this orgasm were very intense and I decided to stop there. It had taken no more than 5 minutes.
I packed everything up and decided to finish my food for thought Friday post, and write this one while MrH was in the bath.
Now he’s done and he’s next to me I’m going to go for a snuggle because as effective as my imagination can be, it’s not a substitute for Mr H’s arms.
Sweetgirl x
Sounds like a lovely time was had! It’s frustrating when something takes you out of the moment like that.