A face fuck

A face fuck

I got my treat tonight. Mr H had a shower and then, when he came back into the bedroom he put a pillow on the floor at the foot of the bed. He got the wand out and plugged it in. Then he got a mat out and covered the pillow. I could feel my heart start to pound and my pussy reacted getting wet. I’ll be honest, I expected Mr H to pick the penis in vagina bent over the bed fuck. He seems to …

Can I have a treat?

I have mentioned before how I have a mental block when it comes to asking Mr H questions regarding sex, whether it is something I would like to do, or asking Mr H to change what he is doing. I still fear that rejection and ultimately don’t feel my needs and wants are important enough. Yesterday’s play had felt particularly nice, and so I wanted to know if Mr H had done something differently. But, today I asked a question. It took me the best part …

I wish I could change

What do you love most (and/or wish you could change) about your sex life as it appears today? Why do you love it (or why/how would you change it)? I love… I love how close we are. I love how, over the last few years, particularly since adding D/s we have made more time for us as a couple. I love how we I have found the courage to ask for things that turn me on, and to tell MrH what he can do or …

Why’d y’ have to go and make things so complicated?

I think all relationships have complications. Some may be insurmountable and the relationships end, others less so and the relationship adapts or compromises are made. I am going to speak in general terms here for a moment and so please bear with me, I know not every young person is the same. I believe when we are young we are less likely to consider compromise as a way to solve a complication in a relationship. I think when we are young we think in terms …

bed bedroom blanket comfort

Memory foam mattress topper

We have a silentnight miracoil mattress. It wasn’t cheap (in my opinion) costing just over £400 and it’s a heck of a lot more comfortable than the cheap mattress we had before. We have had this for 2 years now and as my back has its ups and downs I have found that I am waking up each morning full of aches and pains. What I have noticed recently, is that when we stay at a premier inn, the mattress is really comfortable. I mean …

woman girl eyes blur

Hide behind your mask

I have worked hard to become more authentic. I used to present a face to the world that I thought they wanted to see. My mum raised me to be a confident outgoing little girl. She didn’t care if that’s what I was comfortable with, it was what she wanted. I grew up and became a teenager, in a dysfunctional home, and I then had to present a new face, that of the perfect home. There’s a uk show called Keeping up Appearances and my …

And then he kissed me

We slowly woke up this morning, fighting the urge to fall back to sleep. My body stiff and sore from laying still, his, warm and sweaty from the heat. I rolled over to him and lay near his hip. Not quite touching him, he was too warm. I admired his body, his legs and hips. His abdomen and of course his cock, silky smooth, as it lay over his balls. I raised my body up and leant over to kiss his cock from base to …


Pull yourself together

Pull yourself together and get on with it….  That’s one phrase I think I would ban from the world if I could. The idea that someone, anyone, who is depressed could just pull themselves together is not only ludicrous but it suggests their feelings are little, insignificant, manageable or imaginary. Bah! I have my own battles with depression and (touch wood) I’ve been stable for a while now. My demons are controlled, my darkness hidden by light, but (and there’s always a but) at any time …

Tell Me About: Collars and Cuffs

This is something that I have written about before, my collars I mean, and I say collars because I have a few. My first post dedicated to them, collars and chains discussed the basics and why we decided to use them. Since then I’ve posted about new collars made and these have been relatively brief, but I think I have talked about the symbolic value of my chains and collars in a number of posts, and I will try not to repeat myself too much. …

a groom putting on the wedding ring on bride s finger

The Erotic Journal Challenge 26- Vows

Our wedding was a civil service which meant we couldn’t use the traditional vows, they don’t allow you to, so we wrote our own. Now MrH states categorically that we will not renew our vows at any time. He says that as he hasn’t changed his mind on the first lot there’s no need to repeat them.. and I can understand his point of view… even if I do love the romantic idea of it. This year will mark our 20 year wedding anniversary. China …