I wanna be..

In my earliest recollections when I was asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I would answer “a mum.” I would play games in the playground pretending to push a pram (it was invisible) with my friends who were all pushing their prams too. When I got a little older, my mum gave me some Mills & Boon books to read. She liked medical romances and I soon decided I wanted to be “a nurse.” There was a slight flaw in …


I love my boobs

I’ve loved my boobs for years. I have a great cleavage, and they have always been show stoppers… I used them to great effects college, especially when there was a debate going on. Leaning forward over the desk and looking at whoever was speaking (fellow student or some lecturers) and they would invariably loose their train of thought. Except MrH. He would keep his eyes on mine and hold his ground. He fascinated me. He still does. He also loves my boobs. Just yesterday he …

I’m in every hole

When people talk about double penetration I think the inference is that of a mmf threesome. That is something that fills me with dread, well any type of threesome does, but you do not need a third person to achieve double penetration, or even triple as I discovered, just imagination and long arms! The Logistics of double penetration. MrH has incorporated double and triple penetration into play a couple of times and I have really enjoyed it. A few years ago we made a clone …


I’ve made many, many, many mistakes in my life and I’m sure I will make more… some big and some small. Getting married at 18 to the “wrong” man – as you do at 18 – was a doozy. Now I don’t mean that I regret having my eldest, because I don’t, I was already pregnant when we were encouraged to get married so I would still have had my little boy, I just wouldn’t have had to go through a divorce. Opportunities to Learn …

Antidepressants, pain meds and Sex

I’ve been medicated for quite some time in one form or another. In 2005 when I had my breakdown I was started on antidepressants and I think I’ve been fortunate in that they have never affected my sex drive or ability to orgasm. I know not everyone is as lucky. When my back first started to cause me severe pain and the drs started to put me onto pain medication things did begin to change. The medications made me sleepy or made me feel high. …


Kneel before me

Sir- are you thinking of playing with me tonight? I typed the message and hit send. Mr H was in the bath, and I felt horny, as usual. Why? The reply pinged up. I’m horny Sir. And if you’re not planning to play- can I get a toy out? I typed the reply and sent it. I haven’t decided if I will play with you yet. Mr H’s reply came back. I waited, wondering if he would tell me I could play. Quite often when …

I’m sorry

MrH reads my posts. This is my journal after all and one of its functions is to give him insight into my tangled thoughts. Especially the ones where I haven’t been able to articulate them to him in person. Reading my mind My two recent posts Horny as Hell and Impossible? fall into the that category. Going further back, some of my recent posts (Sexy Cardigan?, Out of it, & I want…. ) were clumsy attempts to tell Mr H that things weren’t right. Of …


Following on from my post Horny as Hell I feel I need to explain myself… the post may have come across as if I am unhappy with my lot and as if Mr H isn’t making me happy. That isn’t exactly correct. I am happy with Mr H. I just struggle with my expectations and reality. I like being submissive. It took years to find that was my happy state. What I want is for Mr H to control that. I want to feel submissive …

Horny as Hell

I want him. I want him in me. I want him to fuck me – hard and fast and often.  It feels lately as if we don’t play much anymore.  In the early months, the frenzy months, we couldn’t get enough of each other. We exchanged dirty messages. I would come home from work and often I would be allowed to suck Sirs cock when he came in. The Frenzy Passed Then things calmed down a little and we fell into a routine. We generally had sex …

And we’re back

Well- not that I went anywhere particularly- but I mean the consultant has put me back on Tramadol slow release and once again my pain is manageable.  I’m also awake! Actually that’s the only down side…. for me tramadol isn’t a sedative, it’s a stimulant. It doesn’t affect everyone this way just a small percentage, and lucky me, I’m one! Unfortunately this means I struggle to sleep…. I take a lower dose overnight but until I get used to it again I’m struggling to sleep. …