ECG and Me

Last Friday I went to see my GP. I had booked the day off work so it was a good opportunity to go and review the medications. Since my hospital stay early in April I have been taking regular doses of Codeine as well as Paracetamol and I am now taking Naproxen (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory). The Naproxen has helped with joint stiffness in my shoulders and knees but not with the sciatic pain. The Codeine has helped with pain but unfortunately about 50 mins after …

negative body image


I didn’t think I’d ever been a victim of gaslighting, but after reading the post by Swirling Fire and looking at the image included (below) I realised I had actually been a victim of this 3 times…. The First Time The first time… that started when I was a child. With my mum and stepdad. To this day I say “sorry” for everything. If you bump into me, I say sorry. If you get angry, at anything, I say sorry. If you are tired, I …


Fake it until you make it

There’s a line in the movie The Ugly Truth, Gerard Butler’s character ‘Mike‘ is telling Katherine Heigl’s character ‘Abbey’ the rules a woman should follow to get a guy interested in her and he says “a fake laugh is like a fake orgasm” “A fake orgasm is good?” Abbey asks. He says, “A fake orgasm is better than no orgasm.” “A fake orgasm is no orgasm,” she replies. Mikes response is, “Only to you. You’re not the only one in the room you know. Don’t …

hard spank

Tell Me About: Spanking

Spanking was one of the first things I put onto my “Hell Yes” list when we began exploring BDSM. I didn’t do a whole lot of research, naively thinking I had a good understanding of the subject! Oh how little I knew!!!! Thankfully Mr H did do research. Unbeknownst to me, a lot of research. He found websites and forums, and brought them to my attention. In his post A New Dom’s Tale he talks about the first 6 months and his experience and his …

a spanking impliment

I’m going out….

Our son went out last night.  Mr H was in the bath when he made the announcement, so we had no plans.   Thursday night we had our Wednesday cane session, as it was postponed, but my first thought as he left was “I wonder if Mr H would get the squealer out.” The squealer was a gift from HisLordship, a hand made leather strap in a wooden handle. We don’t use it often as it makes quite a nice (loud) sound on impact and just like …

A2z Badge

Reflecting on the A to Z Challenge

I did it. The whole alphabet.  I couldn’t have done it if I hadn’t spent the weekends preparing a number of posts in advance. It was an interesting challenge but not one I will do again. I prefer writing about things as they happen to me, as I think about them, or when something inspires me. It is my “journal” after all. Here are links to each post.


Not Broken

Earlier this month I wrote about my concerns that I couldn’t orgasm through masturbation any more following the introduction of D/s to our relationship. What I didn’t say in my broken fingers post, was that part of my concern was that perhaps my back issue has caused it. The loss of feeling I experienced when I was recently admitted to hospital, the fact that the nerves are not happy at the moment, I worried that my clitoral nerves had become damaged, that maybe they would …

A2Z Zoo

Blogging from A2Z 2019: Zoo

Mr H will tell you he doesn’t find being in charge that different. He says he’s always had the final say or our house would be like a zoo.  And he’s right. I’m a sucker for animals. We have 2 cats. We had a beautiful loving faithful dog. He passed 4 years ago and we still miss him. But without Mr H putting his foot down we would have another dog in the house by now. Mr H has an affinity with dogs, well all animals …


Blogging from A2Z 2019: Yellow

This is the word I use to caution Mr H. It tells him that I am nearing the limit of my tolerance, that I need him to take things slower, pause, or check in with me. This word doesn’t stop play.  This word prompts him to assess my body language, to verbally check in. I use this word when we play with the cane if the pain is getting too much, and he will rub my bottom for a few moments before checking I am happy to …


Blogging from A2Z 2019: X-Ray

I have had many x-rays in my life time, but have only actually broken 1 bone. Rather undramatically I slipped on the stairs trying to pet my female cat and broke my first toe (the one next to the big one) and sprained my ankle. Only 2 weeks before this I had come off my motorbike at 30 mph, with only bruises… go figure! But as I say I have had many X-rays. They are a brilliant diagnostic tool and they fascinate me. I have …