It’s a kinda magic

It’s rare for relationships to last for 20+ years in today’s world and I think as a society we can be very “throw away” in our attitudes towards, not only things, but also the people in our lives. My gran and grandad were together over 60 years, had 5 children and several dogs (although only one at a time). My gran worked part-time when the children were grown up collecting rents for the coal board houses and my grandad worked down the pit. My dad …

Tell Me About – Orgasms

I was 20 before I experienced my first orgasm.  I’d never masturbated before then or even touched myself intimately. I’d been divorced from my first husband for about a year by this time.  I met MrH just before my 21st birthday and it took me about 6 weeks to persuade him into bed.   We had good sex. I enjoyed it and enjoyed our bodies. MrH has always been a considerate lover, but in all honesty I didn’t orgasm every time. After I asked him to become my …


Do I deserve a treat?

I lost 2.5lbs this week, and I’ve followed the rules, so this afternoon I asked if Sir thought I deserved a treat. I figured, it can’t hurt to ask right?? And I’m feeling horny… I mean like I want an orgasm and Sirs cock inside me really bad! This weeks been hectic and we didn’t do the midweek cane session. We did talk, but Mr H didn’t feel like doing the cane work, so we didn’t. Feeling low I know that when we don’t do …

Oh my, what a day, what a night!

The message An unexpected Error Occurred was the first inkling that something had gone wrong. Turns out it had gone horribly horribly wrong.  My WordPress hosted blog has been suspended. I don’t know why, they haven’t told me. I just know it’s gone. I managed to export the content, but for some reason they haven’t allowed me to export the images associated with each post, so I am going to have to try and rebuild each post, to try and remember which images went where …


It’s good to talk

If you read my last post you’ll know I was planning to talk to MrH during our new weekly maintenance session. I made my list of prompts and managed to get through them, with some unintended hilarity I might add.  We can be lazy when it comes to communication and that is why we made a commitment to talk every week. Here is my list of topics, there aren’t many. We talked about each point in turn. Oral. Mr H will say he doesn’t really …

Feeling more myself

It’s nearing the end of February and I can’t quite believe how fast this year is going. We’ve made plans to go to a rope workshop which seemed months away and is now only weeks away! We have bought tickets to go to the bike show in Manchester and have started making a list of places to visit on a weekend on our bikes. We had a brilliant long weekend and despite not sleeping particularly well it was thoroughly enjoyable. I also had my hair …

Tell Me About…. Vulnerability

The willingness to expose yourself, to bare your soul, to another person is exceptionally hard. When you think about it, it goes against the basic survival instinct to protect yourself. You’re voluntarily giving someone the ability to hurt you, sometimes obliterate you. But that is what some of us are willing to do expose our vulnerability in order to become stronger. This isn’t something that comes easily to me and yet once I started us on this path it is something I have had to …

The week that was…. Amazing

This week has been amazing.  I mean amazing. Our son went out on Wednesday night and we were able to play at home, we were able to take our usual impact play up a notch. Then Friday afternoon we went to a hotel.  When we got there we unpacked, put the under bed restraints in place and made a drink. I went to the loo and stripped down to my bra and panties knowing Mr H planned for me to be naked but I felt unsure, as …

a spanking impliment

Maintenance Wednesdays

The importance of communication Mr H and I are what I would describe as a living evolving organism, a constant work in progress if you will. We are imperfect beings and we accept that. Last week we (and not for the first time) we talked about communication and how it’s easy for us to let it fall down. We are very comfortable with each other and don’t need to talk to fill awkward silences. We can sit in happy, comfortable, companionable silence without issue. But …

The seven dwarfs

Now I’m not yet fully menopausal, but I’m heading that way. I had a hysterectomy 4 years ago and was told I would likely start menopause within 5 years due to the decreased blood supply. At the moment I get occasional night sweats, and I can be forgetful. I do know I still have mood swings, but now I have no periods to track them around, but I also know I have periods where I am quite likely to cry my heart out over something …