man and woman lying on bed

Gone too quick

I’ve often wondered why the weekends seem to fly by when the working week can seem never ending…. this weekend is set to be one of these weekends.  Filled with some crafting as well as some awesome kinky fuckery. Yesterday we had to do some odd jobs at my aunts house so the morning was taken with that. The afternoon went quickly. I did some work on my quilt and some knitting. MrH worked on his chainmaille project. Here it is, (I finished the top …


I asked MrH if we could talk at the weekend and he said we would on Monday night. He didn’t delay for any other reason than he was on call and if his phone had rung our chat would have stalled so I’m grateful he waited. True to his promise on Monday night we talked. Well to be fair, when we got in from work he told me to kneel on a pillow in our room for 2 minutes and think about my day. Then …

When your children suffer

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I live with depression, I have for many years. I started to crawl out of the dark pit of despair in 2008 after 3 years of living in darkness.  What I don’t talk about (partly because it’s not my story exactly) is the day in 2012 when my son came home and said “when I see a car driving down the road towards me I just want to jump in front of it so it will be …

submissive mindset

Tell Me About: Submission

I came to submission later in life. I’m mid 40s and I’ve been married to MrH for 20 years this year. We have been a couple for 24 years later this year.  For most of my life I guess I’ve been known as quite a forceful, dominant person. I know my mum thinks, to this day, that MrH is a pushover and I get my own way all the time, but she doesn’t understand our relationship. MrH has always had the last word. He’s never been …

Love love love 💕

The topic for Food for thought Friday this week is Love… and as this is something close to my heart ❣ I decided to take part so here goes……. What is the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone? I think you could ask 10,000 people this question and they would all have a different answer. Some of it depends on the type of love you choose to define. By that I mean romantic, familial or platonic. I believe they are all …


Laugh together

When I married MrH my gran gave me some advice. Advice I listened to because she and my grandad were married for over 50 years and died within 3 months of each other.  She said, “laugh together often and be kind to each other.” Over time I’ve seen many relationships falter. Lovers who become strangers, indifferent to each other, and eventually not even friendship remains. Is this advice the key? Does laughter and kindness keep a relationship strong? Probably not on it’s own, but, in order …

That wasn’t me…

It was the wand. Last night after play, I thanked MrH for allowing me to cum and he responded, “that wasn’t anything to do with me it was the wand.” He sounded upset too which played on my mind a little. At one time manual masturbation was my usual method. I had a vibrator “promises” which I would sometimes get out but 8 of 10 times my fingers did the job admirably. Over the last few months our toy box has expanded and then we …


Sunday Snuggle

Sunday mornings are our lazy mornings. We don’t have any alarms to wake us up. We don’t have anywhere to be. I love Sundays for this reason. We get to snuggle. There’s a line I love from the Twighlight Breaking dawn movie.  It wasn’t in the books, but in this case I don’t mind the addition. “It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are.” Edward Cullen wedding speech from Twilight Breaking Dawn pt1 …

I’m fine….

These two words are a lie.  Almost every (and I’m going to say it) woman who utters these two words just lied.  Add in a mental illness and everyone, man or woman, who says it – lied, but we would rather lie than inflict our pain on someone else.  We would rather hide behind the lie than face the truth and say it. I am not fine. It took me years to get the courage to be honest when someone asked me “are you ok?” Because “I’m tired” …

A Blow Job

Make me want you

Yesterday MrH said he might let me suck his cock to completion. I did start the morning allowed to suck his cock for a few minutes and I spent the rest of the day horny. Now I love it when he lets me do this. And even writing it makes me wet. So being greedy I asked if he planned anything else… He told me off (quite rightly) reminding me I should be grateful for what I get given. So last night we went to …