two person holding pinkies

This path is ours

The sentence “I think I’d like it if you did that to me” started MrH and I down a new path. We took our first exploratory steps a few hours later, and I am so glad we did. In my mind it lead to a world where MrH kept me naked and constantly used my body in delightful and wicked ways. I would have his cum in every orifice daily. He would spank me over his knee every day to remind me I am his, …


In brief

Mr H picks my underwear each day and Fridays I’m not allowed to wear panties (unless otherwise instructed). This week I was told to wear panties as it was cold. 6 months ago I would have argued. Yesterday I simply said “Yes Sir.” But it felt strange. I was aware of them all day, and it’s not like I don’t wear them every other day! Comfort is key. As soon as I can after work I strip off and pull on a pair of pyjamas. …


You’ll be ok

Every morning I look through my WordPress feed as I wait to go to work, and this morning there was a post by SubMissy Control Freak that really touched me. So much I decided to share something of my own. I have my own struggles with mental health and promoting awareness is something I feel strongly about. In 2003 my father died, suddenly. He was 51 and he had a massive heart attack. After the postmortem we discovered that he had in fact had many …


We were supposed to go away this coming Saturday, but today we have had to take the decision to cancel. Not because we want to particularly but because MrH’s motorbike needs a new exhaust. We hoped it could be repaired but alas no. The money we would spend on our hotel is going to be needed to pay for the repair. There’s an element of disappointment of course. This would be our first hotel break since the end of November, and we were looking forward …

man and woman lying on bed

Fantastic Friday Fuck

The boy went out again. “Sir?” I asked “Do you plan to play while he’s out?” “Yes let’s get the wand out” For the next 30 minutes MrH used the wand, he brought me to orgasm quickly and kept me there until I squirted. He brought me there again and again, forced orgasms are so delicious, I loose all sense of self and time and place. I am aware only of what I feel and MrH. He used my mouth for my cock as he …

Back on it.

The second week of January began with a fizzle….. neither MrH or I wanted to get out of bed on Monday morning when the alarm went off. What a life we could have if only we could win the lottery! Don’t get me wrong I enjoy my job but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be happier spending my day sewing, riding or playing with cats and dogs, and I know MrH would be infinitely happier with a pack of dogs to walk! But anyway we …

I want …. more of that

Our boy went out. “Are you going to go and get shaved?” MrH asked. This was something we had talked about on Thursday. How a routine can become so set that it places road blocks to fun. What do I mean? Well, it has become normal that every night at 7pm, I go and get ready for bed. I shave as MrH likes, and I have a quick bath, shower or wash. I run a bath for MrH and I get into bed. MrH has …

What do you want?

Thursday night there is a chat on The SafeworD/s Club and I try to join in each week. Over the last few months they he started at about half past 8 and as we have supper at 9 I get to join in for half an hour or so (until MrH says it’s supper time) basically. Last night I settled into bed and it was just after 8 so I passed some time looking at quilting how to videos (I’m thinking of making a patchwork …


“Tonight, we’ll see what we can do about you” MrH knew I’d been feeling a bit low. The tramadol works in similar ways to an antidepressant so when you stop taking it you can experience depression, disassociation and other fun things. As I live with depression and take medication to stabilise that the tramadol has essentially been putting me on a higher dose of “happy pills”. Having said that I’ve not been running around laughing manically lol 😂 Now, so far (so good) I’ve not …

2018 – What a year.

This isn’t going to be a long post. Not at all. This year I’ve learned a lot about myself and MrH. We’ve loved more. We’ve talked more. We’ve grown closer. We’ve made new friends. There’s a number of blogs I read that I find inspiring and interesting, but I’m only going to mention a couple here. SubMissy is an amazing woman. I’ve had the privilege to meet her and HisLordship and I very much hope to see them again. New bloggers Purplesole and LittleGem have …