photography of person peeking

Tell Me About: Public Play

Public play isn’t something we have done, but we’ve spoken about it. We went to an event (of sorts) and watched our good friend administer a flogging to her slave. It was interesting to watch. Sexy Public Play Initially when we first went to The Townhouse I was intrigued by all the equipment. There’s a sex swing in the BDSM room that I would like MrH to fuck me in. There’s a medical chair that he could secure me in and then play with me, …


Blah – post script

My last post Blah talked about how I was feeling a bit off and how MrH had read over my shoulder that I “wasn’t in a good place,” which prompted him to start a conversation about it. I amended the original ending to include that we had talked, and went on to say what I should have perhaps said. MrH didn’t see the altered ending. But…. I nipped to the loo. When I came back he was waiting with my night collar. He changed my …



If you had told me 2 years ago that being caned twice a week would be something I looked forward to I wouldn’t have believed you. The use of a cane started on my “Hell no” list. It took a nearly 3 months for it to move to the “I’d like to try” list. I think we started on about 50 strikes. These days I get about 200. I’m sure MrH knows when the endorphins kick in and I head for subspace, as I stop …

photography of book page

The guide to me

I placed the letter into the envelope on the side of his bed. He had told me to write him a list of instructions, a step by step guide to a fantasy we had yet to try, so it had to contain something new… I hoped I had succeeded. I had tried to be creative and rather than keep repeating the instruction “I want you to” I had simply placed a dot dot dot in front of each instruction. I hoped he would understand. Several …

Kinky Hotel Fun 10 July 19

We stayed at a hotel on Tuesday night, which I may have mentioned in my earlier posts, so we could go to the munch without having to drive home afterwards, and because it was Mr H birthday on the Wednesday.. Hotel fuckery As a rule that means we get to have some seriously uninhibited play because we don’t have to worry about our son hearing us. I don’t just mean those noises you make when you’re enjoying yourself, I also mean the sound of Mr …

Munch and Musings

We have been to the munches a few times, although this year we have not been to many. A lot of that is to do with the distance (it’s a 50 minute drive) and the fact that it’s on a work night (Tuesdays). By the time we get home from work, eat, and drive to the munch we’re tired and have been on the go since 6am. Add to that staying for a few hours, which we want to do as we enjoy it, and …

hard spank

Tell Me About: Spanking

Spanking was one of the first things I put onto my “Hell Yes” list when we began exploring BDSM. I didn’t do a whole lot of research, naively thinking I had a good understanding of the subject! Oh how little I knew!!!! Thankfully Mr H did do research. Unbeknownst to me, a lot of research. He found websites and forums, and brought them to my attention. In his post A New Dom’s Tale he talks about the first 6 months and his experience and his …

a spanking impliment

I’m going out….

Our son went out last night.  Mr H was in the bath when he made the announcement, so we had no plans.   Thursday night we had our Wednesday cane session, as it was postponed, but my first thought as he left was “I wonder if Mr H would get the squealer out.” The squealer was a gift from HisLordship, a hand made leather strap in a wooden handle. We don’t use it often as it makes quite a nice (loud) sound on impact and just like …

a spanking impliment

Maintenance Wednesdays

The importance of communication Mr H and I are what I would describe as a living evolving organism, a constant work in progress if you will. We are imperfect beings and we accept that. Last week we (and not for the first time) we talked about communication and how it’s easy for us to let it fall down. We are very comfortable with each other and don’t need to talk to fill awkward silences. We can sit in happy, comfortable, companionable silence without issue. But …

man and woman lying on bed

Gone too quick

I’ve often wondered why the weekends seem to fly by when the working week can seem never ending…. this weekend is set to be one of these weekends.  Filled with some crafting as well as some awesome kinky fuckery. Yesterday we had to do some odd jobs at my aunts house so the morning was taken with that. The afternoon went quickly. I did some work on my quilt and some knitting. MrH worked on his chainmaille project. Here it is, (I finished the top …