prioritising intimacy

What’s the best way to manage change?

There have been a lot of changes in our relationship over the last 2 years, some caused by this ruddy covid thing, and some caused by my disability, but one thing we have become pretty good at is working out how to manage them. But first of all let me add a teeny tiny disclaimer: What works for Mr H and I may not work for everyone – but as they say if you don’t try you’ll never know! So that said, how do we …

use your voice inscription on gray background

Why make changes to the site?

You may have noticed a few changes to the site appearance over the last few weeks. In fact every spring I have done so – made changes I mean – to the way the site looks. But why change it again? I mean it looked great, I spent ages designing it… Well…. Last year I invested in Elementor and created completely bespoke sites, but with one thing and another I have been less active and as the renewal looms I had to assess the viability …

woman sitting in wheelchair

Lost passion; when one partner becomes disabled

If you are a follower of this blog, I want to thank you for sticking with me, I know my posts have become less and less frequent, and they have contained less kink, less sex, less passion. I have tried to pin point when this decline began and what precipitated it. I thought it was caused by my becoming so disabled so quickly, but I think that the root cause is much more complicated. The disability and pain has caused us to be less intimate. …

couple embracing real love

Real love, lockdown and being cared for.

Well hello 2021. Mr. H and I saw in the new year the way we always do, in bed, sleeping. Real Love. That’s what we have, real love. Not fancy, not glamorous. Just real. The UK is locked down again. Not surprising for most of us and yet despite all the restrictions and warnings from the NHS that it is overwhelmed there were still people selfish enough to protest outside a leading hospital, without masks or following social distancing rules, saying covid is a hoax. …

christmas 2020 post thoughts on covid 19

Reflecting on 2020: Covid 19, Chronic Pain and Isolation.

What a year 2020 has been. I don’t think anyone’s world is unchanged. So many have lost loved ones, whether that be from covid 19, or not, and so much loneliness caused by isolation either from fear of infection or from the national and regional lockdowns, 2020 has been a year of desperation and uncertainty for us all. Covid 19 The emergence of Covid 19 in March as a Worldwide pandemic affected my household very little. Mr. H and I were already unable to go …

Why I hate being in constant pain.

Constant pain, burning pain, breathtaking pain. Unless I am asleep I am in pain. Things have been a little easier for the last two weeks as the Dr agreed to increase the morphine I take to 100 mg of slow release morphine per day. This period is coming to an end, and so I have started to slowly reduce the dose by taking 40 mg at night time and 50 mg during the day. Feeling the effects. It has been two nights on the lower …

hospital appointment

My hospital appointment was cancelled. Now what?

Yes, you read that right, my hospital appointment has been cancelled. It’s not like I haven’t been expecting it. I always plan for the worst; I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed, but I guess the closer it got, the more I began to hope. The last few days my mobile has received calls from a ‘private’ number but on answering it has disconnected. This is unfortunately not uncommon as the signal in our home is shocking, even using wifi calling. When I finally got …

stick to your diet

How to stick to your diet when you’re in pain.

When you are in pain all the time, sticking to your diet is often the last thing on your mind. When I hurt I want to nibble. I crave salted peanuts… yes I know, I love salty nuts. Go ahead giggle! But, I am a comfort eater, I admit it. The thing is, sometimes it is good to have something to focus on, ideally something that doesn’t require a lot of concentration, and trying to eat a healthy diet can be just the thing. I …


Living Hell

The nerve block proceedure I had on the 29th did provide some relief for a few days, as long as I didn’t move about. When I did go out for brief periods to see if there was improvement, I was sadly dissapointed to find the relief was negligable. Sunday J went off to work, and we had time alone. Mr. H held me tight, kissed me and we made love. Sometimes I think you need vanilla, at least I do anyway. Later in the day …

Wheelchair Freedom.

I have been stuck indoors since the 10th January, only going out for hospital appointments, and I have to admit to feeling lonely and isolated.  I have now received my blue badge which means we can park in disabled bays, and we have been using a wheelchair we borrowed from my mum, but we decided to get one of our own given that we do not think I am going to have surgery until the back end of summer.  We made this decision for two …