Saturday morning arrived, after a particularly poor night sleep and it was time to see if I have achieved a weight loss. I probably didn’t help myself as before settling down I spent a while fondling Mr. H cock. It was quite relaxing, slowly and gently feeling his cock as it got harder. I admit to being his cock whore, I would happily spend all day fondling him. I love the smooth silkly texture of the skin, and how it glides through my hand. Naturally …
Syns and things.
I finally got online access and was able to check the syn values. Some were pretty close, some had changed. Anyway, Mr. H and I sat and did a menu for next week, put together the shopping for delivery, and wrote down all the syn values for items we have coming on Saturday, and things in the cupboards already. This way Mr. H knows how many syns he is giving me, and I am reporting how many syns I am having. Syns or sins? ‘Syns’ …

Measuring Growth.
Measuring growth on a personal level isn’t easy. It is intangible and often invisible. Physical growth on the other hand – we have units of measurement to use to monitor and record that. I read a post by MrsFeve and well I know exactly what shes means. Lockdown has definitely caused some personal growth for me, as clearly demonstrated by none of my clothes fitting! But I have also undertaken some other things. I relaunched my website with a new design, focus and name. This …
Back on the slimming world plan
A dripping tap will fill a bucket. Easy on easy off. Nice and steady wins the race. Draw a line under it and get back on plan…. These are all things we hear regularly at a slimming world group (when I was going). There is always at least one member who has eaten their weight in unhealthy fatty (gorgeous) foods and managed to lose 5lbs – and yes everyone secretly hates them – as well as one who has been on plan and gained 5lbs. …

Taken Prisoner by pain.
I haven’t written much lately. My heart, and head have not been in it. I have now spent over 7 months lied in bed staring at the bedroom walls and it is starting to weigh me down. 16 months in excruciating pain and I don’t feel sexy or attractive, so writing about that would be difficult. Inactivity and some poor eating habits have also caused weight gain that has me avoiding mirrors again. 99% of my clothes do not fit. I have 3 nighties, 3 …

Tell Me About: Labels
Labels are, I think, part of life that we can’t escape. In fact, I would go so far as to say that labels form an essential function in our ability to communicate with each other, and to learn other languages. They provide a way to share meaningful experiences and history through the telling of stories. Labels aid Communication. In short, if we didn’t have labels we would not be able to communicate. The formation of common languages was made possible because we accepted the labels …

The Punishment
I broke a rule and so a punishment is in order. I don’t know what the punishment will be, but with J at work I know Mr. H has more scope. I’m nervous and a little excited too, but mostly I feel bad for having broken the rule. Mr. H does not like to punish me and putting him in this position makes me feel ashamed. Confessions of a Submissive Wife. Last night I was asking Mr. H if he really didn’t think things had …

Cane Me.
I have a few different ways of dealing with stress, I have a tendency to withdraw, to shut down, to become quiet. Add the isolation of our current situation and I think one of the reasons I havent written much recently is that I write about the things I do and find interesting, and let’s be honest, I spend all day laid in bed looking out of the window, with the same view. The only thing that settles my mind is knowing that Mr. H …

Erotic Photography
Erotic Photography is, in my opinion rather difficult to do. I also think there is a difference between erotic and explicit and to be erotic I feel, it should intice and engage the imagination. Perhaps it can hint at or inspire a story. Submissy is a good example of this. The images she and HisLordship have shared over the years are erotic without straying into the explicit and I find them to be extremely sensual and sexy because of this. One such example can be …

Feminism and me
When I saw the topic prompt this week I struggled to think what to write. I mean I have never really considered myself a feminist, at least the ‘bra burners’ as my mum called them, and although I have had some people ask me how I reconcile being a submissive wife when countless women have fought for me to have the same privileges as men. Indeed, how can anyone want to be a submissive wife when it seems to reject the concept and right for …