Being Intimate.
Last night S2 went out with some friends and Mr H and I were alone. …
Lean on Me.
Codependency is often seen as a negative thing, where one person enables another to bad…
What’s in the package?
That is what the lady behind the post office counter asked Mr H yesterday when…
No Sex, No Desire.
I have written before about how, when we are less sexually active my submission and…
Cancelling Plans: The Truth about Chronic Pain.
This isn’t the first time I have spoken about cancelling plans, and how living with…
What is Love?
What is Love? What is Romance? Two questions that defy a simple answer for every…
You make me
When I saw the prompt for Wicked Wednesday I knew exactly what to write in…
Peeking under the covers
I am a little pervert, I will admit that. Whenever I can I sneak a…
Little Toe
At the moment I am wearing flight socks during the day because I am so…
There were so many things that came to mind when I saw the prompt 400….
Reclaim my arse
We spent the day in the local a&e and although they gave me some more…
Friends that come and go
I have had many friends throughout the years but I do not have any life…
Random Posts
I must not question
I have this bad habit of questioning Mr H’s decisions. Not during a scene –…
I’ve broke the rules. I woke up at midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep….
Serenity in submission
I used to be quite an anxious person and although I do not mean to…
Maintenance works…
He’s semi reclined on the bed when I walk in the room. I don’t realise…
Gone too quick
I’ve often wondered why the weekends seem to fly by when the working week can…
A Sweet tweet.
The Wicked Wednesday prompt this time is 3rd person, and as most of Sweet’s work…