Tell Me About: The Power Exchange

The power exchange between Mr H and myself is at the core of what we do.  When we started D/s and I asked Mr H to take control I didn’t realise how much it would change our lives. I definitely didn’t realise how much better our lives would become. What was it like before? Before, I tried to control every aspect of our lives.  Where we went out to (when we went out). What we bought.  When we had sex.  The only thing in our …

Tell Me About: Erotic Humiliation

When this prompt on Erotic Humiliation first started I told Missy I didn’t think I’d have anything to contribute as it’s not something we’ve done. But- As I’ve read the wonderful submissions I have come to realise that it is an area that I do get off on, I just didn’t realise it had a name. I kinda just thought it was talking dirty. Blushes When I ask Mr H if he will fuck me, or try to ask him to play with me anally …

brown jest for you box


Mr H’s birthday is this month and we are booked into a hotel the night before. We will attend the munch at The Townhouse and then head back to the hotel. Mr H will wake up on his birthday in the hotel, and this also marks the start of a week long holiday. Yes I’ve gone and done it… 5 whole days off work… (well 9 if you count the weekend). You would be forgiven in thinking that it’s strange I would be going to …



This weeks topic for Food for Thought Friday is communication, something I have written about many times before: Lost, 5th Feb 2019 Maintenance Wednesday’s, 14th Feb 2019 It’s good to talk, 22nd Feb 2019 Wednesday Night Chat, 17th April 2019 To name a few, although many of my posts reiterate constantly that communication is essential in D/s. From safewords to setting limits without honest communication any D/s relationship is likely to be on unsteady or unsafe ground. Practice what you preach Now I know I’ve …

What am I going to do with you now?

On Wednesday’s we have our maintenance session.  We don’t have the TV on, instead we have one evening where we talk.  There are no distractions and we talk about our week, our dynamic and what’s going well and what’s perhaps in need of discussion. I have a notes app on my phone and I usually have a couple of things in my list to talk about.  This week it was “re-negotiating the Rules” and also “talking during play”. The rules Mr H further defined our …

Journal 27-06-19: Mardy Pants

Sometimes I can be a mardy pants. If you’re not familiar with the term, imagine a toddler who isn’t getting their own way… and that’s what I mean by being a mardy pants! I’ve had a tough week and I’m tired and cranky. Wooing The other day someone messaged me asking if I’d like to review their products. The person had only just created their twitter profile. They had no information suggesting they were affiliated with a company. No information at all actually. So I …

Paloqueth vibrating cock ring – review

When Paloqueth asked me if I would be willing to review some more products I was happy to agree, after all the lube and rechargeable wand was great (Click Here for the Review). They sent me their remote controlled vibrating cock ring, which retails at $23. Now MrH and I have only tried a few cock rings and apart from the time we were making his clone we haven’t really found them to be enjoyable, but we’re also happy to try things. First Impressions It …

Sinful Sunday?

Hardly.  We stayed at a friends house last night to keep her cat company. She has just moved house and her cat is elderly, so we offered to go stay rather than stress her out at a cattery. We took our fire stick and used my phones WiFi hotspot to connect it to the internet. Her internet wasn’t yet set up at the new house. Cat sitting My friends bed is very comfortable but she has a double – we are used to a king. …

Father Figures

When I was 5 my parents divorced. My mum went to live with another man who took upon the role of step father.  His parenting style wasn’t great. I’ve written about it before and don’t want to focus on that now.  I don’t know what growing up with my biological father would have been like because I had limited contact with him after that. The role of the father. I think over the last 30 years there has been a shift in the participation of fathers in …

Stress Head

I think there are times in my life where I could definitely have been described as being a stress head. I would worry about everything and anything. Usually things I had no control over or were not my problems in the first place. Over the years MrH has retrained me and I have, in many cases, stopped.  I no longer worry if someone I know can make it to their appointments. Unless they ask me for help I now assume they have it under control. I …