What does a BSDM relationship look like after 6 years?

Has it really been 6 years? yep it has. It was 2017 when we first embarked on our kinky exploration and clearly I can only speak for our relationship, but very few relationships stay the same and ours is no different. The last 6 years have been unique for the whole world in many ways because of the global covid pandemic, but what does our BSDM relationship look like after 6 years? Read on to find out. Home Play. We rarely play at home now. …

negative body image

How my negative body image impacts our sex life

I’ve been pretty open about how the weight I have gained has really messed with my head. I have such a negative body image I avoid mirrors, social interactions and sex. The pain management program I did a few weeks ago was awful until I realised I could “hide” my image on the screen, and even then I cringed at the thought that these people could see me. Well last night this came to a head and I ended up in tears. Anxiety It started …


Do you love having bruises when you have been spanked?

A long time ago, I wrote a post in which I said I wasn’t a masochist and Mr H wasn’t a sadist. I’m here to say I think I need to amend that statement. Well and truly Spanked You may remember my recent post ‘A Wonderful Surprise Spanking for Sweetgirl’, in which I described my first ever hard core (by my standards) hand spanking. If you missed it go read it quick – I’ll wait….. Well my backside bruised up. I remember saying once that …

Finding my submission: The way back.

It’s been a long time coming, this post I mean. It started a few days ago with my post “Is now a good time to talk?”, and continued with “History is a great teacher: Remembering the good times”. I’m talking about the sexy stuff of course. I haven’t hidden that Mr H and I have been finding it hard to connect intimately but this week we seem to have found our way back. Wednesday. You may remember we went to the munch, well that’s on …

black and white cow on river

How to carry on when you’re not feeling it

Well hello – been a while hasn’t it? I’m like the crap friend who doesn’t call or stay in touch, and well the truth is I have not had anything to write about. Nothing kinky. Nothing even remotely sexual. Our D/s dynamic is hanging by a thread, and I have no idea how or if we will ever get back to where we were. We are trying to carry on the small things but it’s really difficult when you aren’t feeling it. What went wrong? …

use your voice inscription on gray background

Why make changes to the site?

You may have noticed a few changes to the site appearance over the last few weeks. In fact every spring I have done so – made changes I mean – to the way the site looks. But why change it again? I mean it looked great, I spent ages designing it… Well…. Last year I invested in Elementor and created completely bespoke sites, but with one thing and another I have been less active and as the renewal looms I had to assess the viability …

flogging, submissive pose, kneeling

How to cope when your D/s becomes D/s Less

2020 has kicked our D/s Asses. My chronic pain and all the side effects of that have brought our D/s activities to a resolute stop and it has not only highlighted how much we enjoy them, but how they have become part of our normal lives. D/s, D’not. We used to partake 2 cane sessions each week – Wednesdays and Sundays. As I have lost some of the feeling in my derriere it is no longer safe to do this activity. All D/s activities are …


The truth about being a submissive wife.

Did you read 50 shades and imagine that was your life? Do you want to know what it is really like? Well, I am here today to share my experience and to tell you the truth about being a submissive wife. The truth will out. A while ago I wrote a post, ‘So you want to be a submissive wife?’ which gave you some advice on how to start your journey, and things you might want to consider. Mr. H and I have just reached …


The Punishment

I broke a rule and so a punishment is in order. I don’t know what the punishment will be, but with J at work I know Mr. H has more scope. I’m nervous and a little excited too, but mostly I feel bad for having broken the rule. Mr. H does not like to punish me and putting him in this position makes me feel ashamed. Confessions of a Submissive Wife. Last night I was asking Mr. H if he really didn’t think things had …


I wonder….?

I am a naturally curious person.  I have always wanted to know how machines work, and what makes people act the way they do.  My mum says that as soon as I learned to ask “why?” she didn’t get a moments peace, never satisfied with her answers, I would ask “but why?” over and over again.  My curiosity got me into trouble more than once too, when my impulsivity meant I had not thought about the possible consequences.  It was this curiosity that led me …