What does a BSDM relationship look like after 6 years?

Has it really been 6 years? yep it has. It was 2017 when we first embarked on our kinky exploration and clearly I can only speak for our relationship, but very few relationships stay the same and ours is no different. The last 6 years have been unique for the whole world in many ways because of the global covid pandemic, but what does our BSDM relationship look like after 6 years? Read on to find out. Home Play. We rarely play at home now. …

Dressed to impress at Fet-ish

Fet-ish – A great night out at Townhouse

Fet-ish is a crossover event held at The Townhouse in Wirral, and last week we went to our first one. If you are a regular follower you will know we have been attending the Munches at Townhouse for a number of years now, and that recently we started using the facilities during the munch so that Mr H can enjoy spanking me without worrying about our neighbours hearing us. The decision to attend Fet-ish. We had always planned to go to the BDSM event Radical …

Life goes on: Death, Impact play and us.

Unless you live under a rock, you will be aware that on Thursday the 8th September 2022 Queen Elizabeth II passed away, and the united kingdom entered a period of national mourning. This ended yesterday with her funeral. There have been a number of TV programs on about her life and achievements, and after two days of none stop programming I decided I couldn’t watch any more. I may be a wimp but I was just so upset by them I felt it was not …

negative body image

How my negative body image impacts our sex life

I’ve been pretty open about how the weight I have gained has really messed with my head. I have such a negative body image I avoid mirrors, social interactions and sex. The pain management program I did a few weeks ago was awful until I realised I could “hide” my image on the screen, and even then I cringed at the thought that these people could see me. Well last night this came to a head and I ended up in tears. Anxiety It started …


Challenges, love or hate them you can’t escape them

Life is never free of challenges and learning to face them is just part of life. Of course there are different types of challenges too and some are easier than others. I think it would be fair to say that Covid-19 and the lockdowns imposed have created challenges unlike any my generation has seen. The incidences of domestic violence rose, relationships broke down. Many D/s relationships struggled with no way to openly practice because clubs were closed or children were home all the time. This …

New page in a notebook

What’s new with A Submissive Wife? HRT, Munches and more.

So, it’s been a while, and I thought it was about time to do an update, and tell you what’s new. In many ways not much has changed since my last post, but there have been some. Now, I warn you these are not big changes, we are not fucking like horny teenagers, or living a D/s fiction fantasy, no we are just living our lives as best we can. Starting HRT. First of all, following a few discussions with my GP, I have started …


BDSM social events and us – a fun evening out.

I haven’t written in a while, I know, and in some ways that’s because I haven’t felt like I have had anything to actually write about. Our youngest son has now left home and we thought this might give us more freedom to explore our BDSM interests, which in theory it does, but with neighbours and thin walls we haven’t been able to take spanking (or impact play in general) at home any further which is a shame as we both really enjoyed the last …

flogging, submissive pose, kneeling

Why I love being submissive

I wouldn’t say I really considered myself submissive until recently, rather the opposite, but all that changed when we began our D/s journey. In public I appeared to be more dominant than anything else. I made the decisions in our lives and Mr H would follow along. Submissive to Mr H. When we began our D/s lifestyle, I had no idea where it would take us. We didn’t know what to expect and there was a lot of learning to do, but, one thing I …

dancing to music

Why I love listening to music.

Music has always been a part of my life and yet I wouldn’t say I was musically talented. My mum sang to me from the day I was born, a song my grandad used to sing to her, and to this day if she starts to sing it my brothers and I will start yawning. In turn I sang to my boys when they were babies. I do love to sing, but that doesn’t mean I can sing. Loving music. I like to have music …

My Top Ten most viewed posts of the year.

Wicked Wednesday has reached a milestone point, and the prompt she has chosen for the 500th week is “top 10”. I personally think this is an amazing thing 500 prompts, and I offer her massive congratulations. She puts such amazing effort into this prompt and the others she runs. Anyway without further ado, here are my top ten most viewed posts (according to Jetpack.) Number 1. Number 2. Number 3. Number 4. Number 5. Number 6. Number 7. Number 8. Number 9. Number 10. My …